Half Of Children Separated At The Border Came With Criminals Or Non-Parents

family separation at the border

What’s the truth about families being separated at the border?

As of mid-June, there were roughly 12,000 children in the custody of Health and Human Services. The overwhelming majority, roughly 10,000 of the 12,000 kids now in HHS care, were sent unaccompanied by their parents across the border. Of the remaining 2,000 who were separated from parents, that was entirely by choice. There’s only a separation if the accompanying family member decides to apply for asylum at the border.

There has been a surge in those claiming asylum at ports of entry across the U.S. border, and one explanation is that it’s an attempt at finding a loophole to the Trump administration’s zero tolerance policy towards illegal immigration, under which anyone caught crossing the border illegally is criminally prosecuted. (RELATED: Hypocrite? Mexican President-Elect to Create Border Police Force). The zero-tolerance policy has been working, with illegal border crossings falling 18% between May and June, according to statistics from U.S. Customs and Border Protection. But in their place, a rise in so-called asylum seekers.

While there are legitimate asylum seekers among those claiming it, most are just regular illegal immigrants trying to conceal that fact. One way we know that, is because the children they’re bringing with them aren’t even theirs. According to the Daily Wire, “On Thursday, the Trump administration announced that almost half of the children who were five years old or younger and separated from adults at the U.S. border couldn’t be reunited with them because many of the adults were violent criminals, and some of the adults weren’t even the children’s parents.”

According to the DOJ and DHS, 46 of 103 children were ineligible to be reunited with adults. A federal judge in San Diego ruled that the government had to reunite all 103 children, but that’s proven impossible, given the reality of the situation. Eleven of the adults claiming children had serious criminal records, with charges including child cruelty, kidnapping, murder, human trafficking, domestic violence, and various drug-related crimes. At least seven others couldn’t be reunited because it was proven that they weren’t the child’s parents.

As for the other ineligible “parents,” of these remaining 28:

Excluding the adults with criminal records or who were proven to not be parents, four children have been found ineligible due to safety concerns posed by the adults in question:
– 1 adult is being treated for a communicable disease.
– 1 adult planned to house the child with an adult charged with sexually abusing a child.
– 1 adult was alleged to have abused the child.
– 1 adult had a falsified birth certificate (parentage is being examined).

Twenty-four children are not currently eligible for reunification due to circumstances of the adults in question:
– 12 adults have been deported and are being contacted.
– 9 adults are in custody of the U.S. Marshals Service for other offenses.
– 2 adults are in custody of state jails for other offenses.
– 1 adult’s location has been unknown for over a year.

So, roughly half of children couldn’t be united with those they crossed the border with, and in nearly every case, it was for the child’s own good. (RELATED: The Trump Admin’s Enforcement Of Family Separation Makes Sense Without An Immigration Fix).

The alternative to separation was a child being trafficked into the country illegally by a criminal. Is that what liberals prefer? Apparently so.

By Matt

Matt is the co-founder of Unbiased America and a freelance writer specializing in economics and politics. He’s been published... More about Matt

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