Epic Tweet Proves Donald Trump is No One’s Puppet…Especially Koch Bros


Presidential candidate Donald Trump went after his Republican rivals who flew to a seminar held by industrialists Charles Koch and David Koch to “beg for money.”

“Puppets?” he asked in a tweet.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, former Florida governor Jeb BushCarly Fiorina and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker all appeared in front of an invitation-only gathering of some 450 wealthy, conservative donors aligned with the brothers. Trump is not a favorite of the Kochs, who have allegedly made reducing the size of government and overhauling the criminal justice system among their priorities.

Trump has been focusing relentlessly on illegal immigration and it doesn’t seem he is wanted in the Koch Brothers circles but then that suits Trump’s supporters just fine.

Check out how they responded to the brothers’ event:

Trump is self-financing his presidential bid and already has tapped his fortune for $1.8 million, campaign filings show.

What do you think of Trump’s decision to go after the Koch Brothers and the candidates that traveled to the event? Share your thoughts below and add this story to your Facebook & Twitter timeline.

H/T – OCRegister


Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded ... More about Wayne Dupree
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