NBC Reporter Ali Vitali Tries to Trip Up President Trump on Gun Control

Trump korea gun control

Even when the media’s on foreign soil, it still can’t help trying to trip up President Trump.

During a press conference in South Korea with President Moon Jae-in, NBC reporter Ali Vitali thought it was appropriate to ask Trump about gun control following the massacre in the Texas church that left over 25 innocent people dead.

Now, you might be asking yourself: What does this have to do with the relationship between America and South Korea? Isn’t the belligerence being displayed by North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un more worrisome than domestic gun control right now?

President Trump is in Asia, trying to work out a deal that stops North Korea from threatening our country by enlisting the help of our allies and China.

But no. The cameras were rolling and some amateur reporter thought it was a good time to ask about an irrelevant issue that has nothing to do with the task at hand. And, boy, oh boy, was President Trump ready for it. He pointed out that it was a man with a gun who was able to neutralize and ultimately stop the Texas shooter.

As the kids are fond of saying, she got “REKT”:

Well, it looks like Vitali needs to go immediately to the Seoul airport, purchase a one-way ticket home, and take the next week off to consider what a disgrace that whole thing was.

Here’s a few no-nos we can pick out from this highly inappropriate exchange:

  • A professional journalist does not inquire about a solely domestic issue during a joint press conference between countries.
  • A professional journalist does not talk about a domestic issue in a country that is teetering on the brink of war with a neighboring country.
  • A professional journalist knows enough about the subject that he or she is asking about, and knows that the Second Amendment precludes having “extreme vetting” for law-abiding individuals who wish to purchase firearms.

All around, this was a pathetic display of journalistic incompetence. Vitali should be ashamed of her lame “gotcha” attempt, and should seriously reconsider doing hard journalism. This wasn’t reporting; it was a set-up.

Others on Twitter were less than impressed by her audacity.



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Jim E. is a true political insider, with experience working both in Washington and outside in real America. Jim... More about Jim E

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