Donald Trump: ‘China Must Pay’ For COVID-19

Donald Trump: ‘China Must Pay’ For COVID-19

On Saturday, former President Donald Trump censured China for the global COVID-19 pandemic and demanded they pay reparations.

Trump made his comments during a speech to Republicans in Greenville, North Carolina.

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Trump: ‘We Should All Declare With One Unified Voice That China Must Pay’

Trump vowed that China must pay “reparations” to nations around the world for the harm caused by the pandemic.

“We should all declare with one unified voice that China must pay. They must pay,” Trump told an adoring crowd. 

The former president went on to say that other countries should team up with the United States to demand that China pays.  

“All nations should work together to present China a bill for a minimum of $10 trillion to compensate for the damage,” Trump said, adding that nations’ canceling debt owed to China would be a good start as a “down payment.” 

“The nations of the world should no longer owe money to China,” Trump said.

Trump Points Out That His Critics Are Starting To Agree With Him About COVID Origins

Trump also called for U.S. to put a “firm 100 percent tariff on all goods made in China.”

“Frankly if you raise them, they would stop building their military, companies would return to the United States,” he said.

Trump then pointed out that that many of the people who mocked him for saying that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan lab are now coming around to accepting that this might have actually happened.

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Trump On Fauci: ‘He Likes Television More Than Any Other Politician In This Room’

“The media, the Democrats, and the so-called experts are now finally admitting what I first said 13 months ago: The evidence demonstrates that the virus originated in a Chinese government lab,” Trump reminded everyone.

Trump finally had some choice words for top White House doctor, Anthony Fauci. 

“Not a great doctor, but a hell of a promoter,” Trump said of Fauci. “He likes television more than any other politician in this room.”


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