DOJ to Seek Reduction of Roger Stone’s “Extreme” Sentencing Recommendation

Roger Stone

The Department of Justice (DOJ) will seek a reduction of the “extreme” sentencing recommendation dealt out to Roger Stone, a close ally of the president.

“Shocked to See the Sentencing Recommendation”

On Monday, federal prosecutors recommended Judge Amy Berman Jackson sentenced Roger Stone, a longtime friend and close ally of President Donald Trump, to between 87 and 108 months in jail.

Stone was convicted in November last year of seven counts of witness tampering, obstruction, and making false statements to Congress regarding the Mueller investigation. Prosecutors argued that Stone had lied about contacting Wikileaks to gain access to hacked emails from the DNC and the Clinton campaign, and that he had attempted to protect the President and his campaign by obscuring the truth.

They therefore said the tough sentence was necessary because “[f]oreign election interference is the ‘most deadly adversar[y] of republican government.'”

However, Stone was not convicted of working with Russia to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election at all, and his defense team maintained his innocence, arguing that there was no “inside connection” to Wikileaks, and it was well within the terms of reasonable doubt that he had lied to Congress when questioned.

RELATED: Star Witness At Roger Stone Trial Says He Feels ‘Horrible’ About Guilty Verdict

The DOJ were “shocked” at the sentencing recommendation of Roger Stone.

“The Department was shocked to see the sentencing recommendation in the filing in the Stone case last night,” a DOJ official told Fox News.

“The sentencing recommendation was not what had been briefed to the Department,” they continued, adding that the DOJ “finds seven to nine years extreme, excessive and grossly disproportionate to Mr. Stone’s offenses.”

The DOJ officially recommended a more lenient sentence for Stone later on Tuesday, prompting three of Stone’s four prosecutors to quit the case. One of the three who quit, Aaron Zelinsky, was an assistant to Robert Mueller during his investigation of the President and his alleged ties to Russia.

Free Roger Stone!

The President tweeted early on Tuesday morning, describing Stone’s situation as “horrible and very unfair.”

“The real crimes were on the other side, as nothing happens to them. Cannot allow this miscarriage of justice,” the President continued.

RELATED: Tucker Calls For Roger Stone Pardon, Thinks Adam Schiff And Eric Swalwell Should Resign In Disgrace

At least the DOJ have their heads on straight, unlike the federal prosecutors who have been going after Roger Stone. The President is right – nothing ever happens to the corrupt Democrats! Where are the federal prosecutors going after the Bidens, the Clintons, and the Pelosis? If there was enough evidence to even attempt to prosecute Roger Stone, there is more than enough to lock up some of the swamp creatures harming this country. Let’s just hope the President has the guts to pardon his friend – nothing would anger the deep state more!

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