Here’s the Difference Between What Trump Did on Police Appreciation Day, and What Democrats Did

trump police appreciation

National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day was on Monday, a day and an opportunity to show the men and women in blue how much we value them, their service, and the risks they take to protect our communities.

If ever there were a more revealing contrast on how Republicans and Democrats feel about our men and women in the police force, this would be it.

The contrast couldn’t be clearer – look at the difference between how Trump honored our police and how Democrats treated them:

So what did Democrats do for National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day?

Not a whole lot according to the Gateway Pundit:

Obama’s Twitter Account:

trump police appreciation

Hillary’s Twitter Account:

trump police appreciation

In fact, Gateway Pundit claims to have analyzed over 50 social media accounts of prominent Democrats, not one of which even acknowledged appreciation for our police officers.

Worse, Democrats vowed to re-hang a controversial anti-police painting that had been hanging in the US Capitol building, but was taken down by a Republican Congressman who is a veteran.

The “art work” depicts police officers as pigs. The painting (seen below) had been put on display by Congressman William Lacy Clay, a Missouri Democrat.

Amazing that the Democrats decided to fight for this on National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.

Comment: Do Republicans or Democrats appreciate our police officers more? Tell us what you think below.

8 thoughts on “Here’s the Difference Between What Trump Did on Police Appreciation Day, and What Democrats Did”

  1. This crap of painting cops like pigs has been going on in DC even in the 70’s when I was an officer there. Criminals do not like to be told what to do or arrested for crime committed by them. FBI records show that Blacks are more criminalistic than other races. They steal, loot, rob, murder and rape, yet, they want to get away with it. The police are a sign of authority, so they hate us. Race baiters play it up when Blacks get caught. If they would act more civilized, there wouldn’t be any problems. I like Blacks who act decent. It’s mainly the young hood rats that cause trouble.

    1. Yep and you yourself are a piece of art and resemble that picture they want to remove from the wall of the US Capitol Building, in fact I seem to recognize you in the picture!!!!

  2. What do you think would happen if an artist made a painting showing a black being hung by a bunch of whites that were celebrating? The artist could just say he is expressing his particular kind of art. Now what would happen.

  3. That’s just typical for democrats they see police as servants to them and an entitlement. Just look at Trumps acceptance speech – he made a point of thanking the secret service and the police for their work in protecting him while he was on the road rallying. What did Hillary do? Absolutely nothing she didn’t thank them or even mentioned them but did have a big private dinner to thank her big buck donors. Nuff said

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