DHS Sends Memo Warning Police About US Trucker Protest Hours After Issuing Terrorism Threat Focused On ‘Misinformation’

DHS issued a memo to law enforcement partners warning of a truck driver convoy to protest vaccine mandates in the United States.
CBS Evening News

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a memo to law enforcement partners warning of a potential American truck driver convoy to protest vaccine mandates in the United States.

Documents first obtained by Yahoo News note the agency “has received reports of truck drivers planning to potentially block roads in major metropolitan cities in the United States in protest of, among other things, vaccine mandates for truck drivers.”

The target date is is Super Bowl Sunday – a very American counterpart to the Canadian ‘Freedom Convoy.’

A source for the department told the outlet the trucker convoy “is absolutely a real concern.”

“They are definitely going to follow the Canadian model and shut down Washington,” the official said.

The Canadian ‘Freedom Convoy’ has been a massive and peaceful demonstration against the US-Canada cross-border vaccine mandate.

RELATED: Biden Admin Issues Domestic Terrorism Warning About ‘Misinformation’

US Trucker Protest

A memo obtained by The Hill gives further details about the suspected timeframe that a US trucker convoy could take place.

“The convoy will potentially begin in California early as mid-February, potentially impacting the Super Bowl scheduled for 13 February and the State of the Union address scheduled for 1 March,” they inform their law enforcement partners.

The DHS warning notes that the truck protest is “purely aspirational” as it is only in the discussion phase online but “this could change quickly.”

The memo, according to The Hill, notes that the protests have no plans to cause violence.

Still, they fret that “the convoy could severely disrupt transportation, federal government, and law enforcement operations through gridlock and potential counterprotests.”

Because mandates themselves haven’t disrupted the transportation industry and law enforcement, leading to mass termination of employees.

RELATED: CNN Calls Canadian Trucker ‘Freedom Convoy’ A ‘Nationwide Insurrection’ And ‘Sedition’

DHS Issues Terror Threat on ‘Misinformation’

Coincidental in its timing but perhaps emblematic of the DHS’s misguided focus currently, the memo warning about a trucker protest in the United States comes the same week the agency issued a new terrorism threat summary report focusing on the spread of “misinformation.”

The “Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland” bulletin, published on Monday, indicates the United States is in a “heightened threat environment,” in particular against ‘false narratives’ about COVID.

In it, they also focus on vaccine mandates.

“COVID-19 mitigation measures — particularly COVID-19 vaccine and mask mandates — have been used by domestic violent extremists to justify violence since 2020,” they write.

Has there been a mass outbreak of violent events regarding vaccine and mask mandates? An Associated Press report last August cites a handful of unfortunate but minor incidents to create a narrative that protests are growing violent.

Remarkably, the AP report focuses intently on incidents involving parents objecting to mask and vaccine mandates.

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You may recall the Department of Justice (DOJ) was coordinating with the National School Boards Association (NSBA) to create a controversial letter comparing concerned parents to domestic terrorists.

That letter requested an investigation into whether or not confrontations from outraged parents regarding mask mandates, among other things, amounted to a violation of the Patriot Act.

These latest documents from DHS expand on that.

First, they’ve planted the seed that any future trucker convoy in the United States will be motivated by ‘misinformation’ on COVID and vaccine mandates.

Second, they lump said ‘misinformation’ into a group involved in a warning about new terrorism threats.

And now, they tip off police to be on the lookout for this ‘misinformed’ group of truckers trying to sow discord about the federal government.

DHS has identified the enemy, and the enemy, apparently, are truckers fighting for their lives, their liberty, and their pursuit of happiness.

The DHS official tells Yahoo News that the agency and a variety of U.S. law enforcement agencies were conducting calls and planning sessions to “figure out what to do” if Washington, D.C. is shut down, something they call “a real possibility.”

When truckers were shut down by the federal government everybody noticed. Shelves went bare and thousands and thousands of people descended on Ottawa to protest.

If the federal government is shut down, would anybody notice?

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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