Liberal Congressman Creates How-To Guide For Leaking Classified Intel

There may be a new administration in place, but the federal government is apparently still chock full of traitors who are more than eager to expose our nation’s most confidential intelligence just to attack President Trump.

Most recently, a government contractor boasting the highly ironic name Reality Winner was arrested for leaking top secret NSA intel to The Intercept, a far-left publication.

And just one day after her arrest, liberal filmmaker Michael Moore launched the questionably named “TrumpiLeaks,” a website designed specifically for people like Winner.

But Moore is a member of liberal Hollywood – it’s really no surprise that he would blindly encourage American citizens to commit a federal crime. What is surprising, however, is that a congressman did the exact same thing.

Ted Lieu, a left-wing representative from California (shocker!), launched a website specifically instructing federal employees on how to break the law:

Again: leaking classified information is illegal, no matter who you are or how you do it. If you leak classified information, you’ll have one of two options: go to jail, or live in exile for the rest of your life.

Yet Rep. Lieu, a Member of Congress, is facilitating breaking the law.

Here’s a handy graphic on how to become a felon from his website:

Ted Lieu

The website even gives step-by-step instructions on how to leak to specific outlets, including ProPublica, The New York Times, and The Intercept. What’s the over/under that Winner used Lieu’s how-to guide to leak the NSA’s classified intel?

Leaks are nothing new. But when an elected representative is advocating for breaking the law, that’s a whole new low.

Lieu is up for re-election in 2018. Do you think he should keep his seat?

By Ann
Ann is a conservative political blogger whose work has appeared on Bleacher Report and America Liberty PAC. Nothing angers ... More about Ann
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