Democrat Actress Lena Dunham Sends Email Warning About Republicans


Lena Dunham is afraid Mitch McConnell will somehow affect her bedroom activities if he becomes the Senate Majority Leader.

In an email from Planned Parenthood’s political arm, Dunham uses scare tactics in an attempt to seduce voters into voting for incumbent Democratic Senators.

“I vote because the number of backwards, out-of-touch, downright freaking unbelievably anti-women’s health politicians out there right now makes my blood boil.”

“The crazy and depressing truth is that there are people running for office right now who could actually affect your life. PARTICULARLY your sex life. PARTICULARLY if you’re a woman.”

The actress who is primarily known for being naked on HBO’s “Girls” must be concerned about recent polling showing the Republicans have a good chance of retaking the Senate.

H/T: The Hill

34 thoughts on “Democrat Actress Lena Dunham Sends Email Warning About Republicans”

  1. Apparently the whole family is sick! I should have never googled her father! Don’t do it! Though it does explain her irrational way of thinking. Can only imagine what it was like growing up in that household!

  2. Who the hell does she think she is? What show is she on? Never heard of her! From the looks of her and from her reading her MORONIC statements I would think she would want Mitch McConnell to become Senate Majority Leader. Because from listening to her and looking at her if he wins it’ll peobably be the only action she see in her bedroom!

  3. I think that anyone who likes Ms. Dunham so much that they are willing to take political advice from her, should do it and fully accept whatever politician is voted into office. We are long past the point of being able to reason or talk sense to many of America’s young people. I believe that they are at the point where they must learn by consequence, even to the point of desperation. So, vote yourselves out of a job. Vote yourselves to higher living expenses and taxes, and vote yourself to having almost every area of privacy taken from you by our ever-expanding government. In other words, live with it! And if anything has proven my point, it would be the last 6 years of Obama.

  4. Another celebrity moron! How dare she think she speaks for all women. Certainly not for me. There is nothing that keeps me away from the movie theaters than a half brained celebrity who spews their stupid opinions on to the public.

  5. I am tired of Holly Wood people talking about politics, they only seem to promote Democratic Liberia believes. We know the liberals Will lie just about anything, especially woman rights. I think the American woman have been taken for a rise under this administration.

  6. What a stupid person. Notice I didn’t say “woman”, have to be careful right?? I say let the liberals abort away……seriously>!! They could care less about children or people as far as that goes. They will only breed and produce more liberals anyway! ABORT AWAY ladies!! If this is the issue that keeps conservatives out of elected office, then tell them to abort away! Fix the country before we are all beheaded by these freaks!

  7. If you are not smart enough, be you a man or a woman, to figure out how to engage in safe sex that will not result in an unplanned pregnancy, then perhaps you are not mature enough to be having sex in the first place. They teach safe sex in most schools so were all of you absent for those two weeks or just not paying attention? Take responsibility for your own sexuality and protect yourself, don’t expect your partner to protect you. It is not my place or anyone else’s place to have to be responsible for your decision to engage in sexual relations. Buy your own birth control, or deal with the consequences if you do not act responsibly. I am not willing, nor do I feel that it is my obligation, to pay for your abortion or your child that you are not prepared to support. Plan ahead, be safe and ensure that your sexual encounters leave you with pleasant memories, not unplanned and unwanted consequences. Sex is adult behavior, engage responsibly.

  8. Dear Ms. Dunham. Nobody is against women’s health. Republicans simply do not want to pay for your abortion. Period. That’s all. We still believe that killing a multi-celled fetus is murder. One cell = life if found on Mars, you stupid b.

  9. Lena and others who agree with her,
    These issues are super important. They should not be a top priority for regular citizens. It’s awesome that you’ve found great success as an Actress. But, you’ve forgotten what it’s like to struggle and hope to find your microscopic piece of the American Dream.
    Issues like Border Security, Affordable Care Act, Domestic Oil Production, and Lower taxes for businesses in order to stimulate job growth. The job growth our President says is happening, it is happening. The vast majority of those positions are part-time with no benefits.
    A Democrat controlled Senate and Democrat controlled Executive Branch has not done a good job. Our country has gotten worse since the 2010 election.
    Please take a step back, be totally objective, and remember what it’s like to be barely making it. Wouldn’t

  10. If anyone wonders why she’s so messed up and so obsessed with her sexuality and nakedness, check out her father’s art work. He seems to be obsessed himself with female genitalia. No wonder she is the way she is with him for a father. What a way to grow up. Ick. I feel dirty after looking at these pictures. carrolldunham dot net.

    This is EXACTLY how democrats picture women — as genitalia.

  11. First of all, anyone that looks like her and is built like her should feel flattered that ANY man is interested in her sex life. The fact remains, NOBODY cares about her. Which is why she is trying to wring every last second out of her 15 minutes of fame.

    I am a conservative woman that fought for women’s rights back in the day. If I were going to be afraid of any politicians it would be Democrats. Their disdain for women, their patronizing disgusting insistence that we are our reproductive systems and nothing more makes me sick.

  12. So I am wanting some real statistics here. what percentage of abortions are for women’s health issues? now lets add those for rape, incest, and alien abductions. we are up to maybe 5% of all abortions?

    I for one am not interested in getting the conservatives “into women’s bedrooms” instead I would like to get the endless parade of one night stands, hookups, friends with benefits, and casual/social/recreational sex, out of their bedrooms, why you ask? Women’s Health Issues…. which ones you ask? Well, all the STD’s, Unwanted Pregnancies, long term relationship attachment issues, psychological issues, self worth issues, you know, real Women’s health issues.

  13. Mitch McConnell is certainly the least of your worries! Similar to Lindsey Graham or John McCain, they are the most well known “RINOs” (Republicans in name only). But the biggest thing going against you is your ignorance. Democrats and the left are the ones who have created the worst poverty and lack of minority and women’s rights in history. Republicans at least the real ones called more aptly “Conservatives” are against abortion (first degree murder of a child), but not your choice. Just don’t use our/my money to kill your unborn child. I have a right not to be force into being an accessory to 1st degree child murder before, during and after the fact. You want to murder your child, pay for it yourself!

    1. Well said. Your are absolutely correct and I also refuse to be a party to the murder of someones unwanted child. Only the ignorant don’t know what causes pregnancy. If you don’t want children use birth control or abstain from the behavior that will get you pregnant.

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