Dem Lawmaker Who Railed Against ‘Reckless’ Beach Openings Was Spotted On Beach

Representative Harley Rouda (D-CA) was spotted on a private beach in Orange County just days before railing against communities for trying to keep their beaches open.

“Opening beaches to thousands of Southern Californians during a weekend heat-wave without adequate social-distancing protocols was a reckless action that put the families of California’s 48th district in harm’s way,” Rouda said in a statement on Thursday.

But according to CBS News, the Democrat lawmaker and his family were photographed on a beach last weekend.

Beaches For Me, Not For Thee

“Photos obtained first by CBS News show Democratic Congressman Harley Rouda spending time at a private beach in Southern California despite orders from Governor Gavin Newsom to close some public beaches in the area,” the news station reported.

Newsom had ordered a “hard close” of Orange County beaches after photos surfaced showing beachgoers not adhering to social-distancing guidelines.

Not to worry, however. Rouda’s office issued a statement that their beach venture was A-OK because he was following the rules.

Rouda and his family “were actively moving and adequately socially distancing on a residential beach, which has explicitly outlined beach access requirements in accordance with Governor Newsom’s beach order,” according to the statement.

RELATED: Obama Caught Golfing While Michelle Tells Residents They Need to Stay Home

‘Rules’ Are For Peasants

Rouda joins former President Barack Obama in the ‘rules are for the little people’ club.

Obama was spotted golfing by Politico last weekend, just days prior to his wife Michelle Obama sending out robocalls telling residents to stay home and leave only if engaged in “essential” matters.

“We urge you to stay home except if you need essential health care, essential food or supplies or to go to your essential job,” the former First Lady advised.

Obama was engaged in ‘essential’ golf, while Rouda was soaking up some ‘essential’ rays.

RELATED: Miami Herald Reporter Apologizes After Tweet Hoping Crowded Beaches Kill Trump Supporters

Safety First

Last month, a Miami Herald reporter was compelled to delete tweets and issue an apology after commenting that packed beaches “should work nicely to thin the ranks” Republicans.

It seems that it’s actually our Democrat friends who are unable to follow rules and set a good example for the public.

Rouda though disagrees with Newsom closing beaches indefinitely.

“We need to develop a common-sense plan that prioritizes local residents’ physical and mental health — not indefinitely shut-down our beaches,” he said.

Newsom has since opened two beaches in Orange County and approved another three for re-opening.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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