Rep. Debbie Dingell Just BLASTED Her Own Party For Identity Politics!

Democrats are going crazy over the Georgia 6th District Special Election loss that saw their candidate Jon Ossoff get destroyed by GOP candidate Karen Handel.

Congresswoman Debbie Dingell surprised even me by calling out Democrats for how the party plays on identity politics to win. When asked by a Washington Post reporter if identity politics was taking over the Democratic Party, Dingell replied, “I am very concerned that that is what’s happening.”

Dingell has been watching her party do this for years but never said anything about it until now. Since she’s calling them out, that means she could make a few enemies in her party. Do I care about it? No. I love watching the Democrats eat their own. Here’s the full story:

Source: NTK Network

Dingell told The Washington Post that she doesn’t know where she fits in the scope of the Democratic Party.

“Sometimes I don’t feel like I belong in any of the little different caucuses, but I am proud Democrat who was sent here to represent the working men and women of my district,” she said.

“It sounds like you think that identity politics have sort of hijacked the party,” Melvin said.

“I am very concerned that that is what’s happening,” Dingell responded. “We are forgetting that our strength comes in being ‘we,’ all of us coming together.”

Dingell said that Democrats will “keep losing” until they dropped the identity politics.

“I believe that Donald Trump won the election because of trade issues,” she said.

Melvin asked Dingell if she will switch parties. Dingell would not directly answer the question, until prompted by the host again.

“I’m not switching parties,” Dingell said. “Let’s not make news today.”

Watch Dingle speak here in the video below:

Dingell isn’t going to leave her party because she loves mental abuse. But since she’ll remain quiet, her party will never change. The Democrats might shift a few things here and there but they will always go back to what they know, and that is identity politics. They used to be good at it, but with the election of Donald Trump, the nation has awakened to see what’s really going on with Washington and they don’t like what they see.

Do you think Democrats will listen to Dingell or will they shut her down and keep on with their political blueprint of failure? Share your opinion below in the comments section and add this article to your Facebook/Twitter timeline.

16 thoughts on “Rep. Debbie Dingell Just BLASTED Her Own Party For Identity Politics!”

  1. You say “Jon Ossoff get destroyed by GOP candidate Karen Handel.”
    Ossoff got the same number of votes in this off primary election as the Democratic candidate in the Presidential election, even with fewer voters.
    Handel got 2/3 the number of votes as the Republican candidate in the last election.

    Democrat holding their own, Republican losing 1/3 of their votes.
    Yes, it was a loss. But, “destroyed”? Really now.

  2. Obama is very much aware of what they are doing as a party. He has led them in their Gov’t takeover. He will not be pleased that another Dem is waking up. They worked so hard to brainwash this country and now it is opening it’s eyes.

  3. Being a liberal Dem today is equal to being a PARIAH. They are not productive. They are angry, bitter, violent losers that lack compassion, logic & common sense. It’s almost as if they have been hypnotized so are incapable of seeng truth. Thank God the majority of the good, Family loving, God fearing, Hard working patriots have their eyes WIDE OPEN.

    1. It’s almost funny watching the liberal DNC party, or what’s left of it. They are like plague ridden, scrambling, vermin on a sinking ship. Yes, it would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. Noble, good Dems like JFK and Mike Mansfield are turning over in their graves.

  4. Democrats are the most brain dead bunch of idiots on the planet so they can take their left wing loser politics their safe places and cry rooms and all that crap and and shove it,we dont need them,they are a Parasitic drag on the rest of us.

  5. the Democrats simply don’t realize that President Trump has stolen their policy planks away from underneath them; he is the leader and true supporter of the working class man and woman, and they know that.

    His base of support grows as moderate Democrats vote for more and more Republicans.

  6. American’s are fed up with Democrats & their vile actions!! While there are bad people in both parties, liberal Democrats have taken the lead in bad mouthing the ELECTED President & have shown just how despicable they can be. I have several friends who were but will no longer vote Democrat because of this years election & the horrible actions they have seen since the inauguration. These liberal Democrats are the true deplorables!!

    1. I agree with you, Marilyn. and, “yes”,the Democrats ARE DESPICABLE! It would behoove them to lay down their “ARMS” and return to the human race – for the sake of our great nation!

  7. They’ll shut her down, for the most part. Perez already told people that pro lifers were NOT welcome in the Democrat party. And in the last election, they told God that HE wasn’t welcome either. It’s sad to see it happen, but, they have nobody to blame but themselves It’s going to start happening in the GOP too, since they lie to get elected, & have no intention of doing what they promised. Most of us are fed up with the status quo.

  8. Leave your party DEBBIE! All they do is go against our Beautiful AMERICA! They are mendacious, if you cant asee what Hillary did to your party then dont leave, but, scandal after scandal after scandal that damage the USA!

  9. She hit it on the head, Working together, supporting America and the working men & woman! Now get rid of people like Pelosi, Schumer and some other GREEDY self-serving Politicians also stop supporting Crooks like the Clinton’s and the Democrats might get it right !

  10. ““I’m not switching parties,” Dingell said. “Let’s not make news today.””
    So she just another lefty who signed up for The Agenda and she surely knows that any hint of a protest and its off to the gulags for her…no more being rep, no more dachas on the beach and big limos… instead it will be re-education camp, or worse hard labour in some gulag, think Baltimore, IL, LA,

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