Marine Medal of Honor Recipient Dakota Meyer Disproves Transgender Soldier Story

President Trump’s announcement that transgender individuals will not be allowed to serve in the military has enraged the Left.

Annie Lowrey, who covers economic policy for The Atlantic, shared a story on social media about a “transgender Navy SEAL” who “was on the unit that took out Osama bin Laden.”

That claim has a major, major flaw to it.

The person in question, Chris Beck, did serve on Navy SEAL Team 6, but he had nothing to do with the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound.

Dakota Meyer, a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and a recipient of the Medal of Honor, quickly called out the story as being “not true.”

Meyer really laid down a weapons-grade response when he was challenged about how he knew the story was false.


Indeed, the USA Today story that Lowrey tweeted even clarifies that Beck was not part of the raid.

Chris Beck served 20 years as a Navy SEAL, including seven combat deployments, and earned a Purple Heart and Bronze Star.

Beck retired from Navy SEAL Team 6 in 2011, only months before it raided Osama bin Laden’s hide-out, and was always careful to keep the secret close to the vest.

That is not to diminish the 20 years of service Beck gave to his country. But Lowrey was clearly trying to create a particular narrative about how vital a transgender person’s service is by citing someone who helped kill bin Laden – which he did not.

Followers were quick to praise Meyer’s demolition of the ‘fake news’ story …

Lowrey’s tweet earned thousands of retweets and likes, but she has yet to correct her misstatement.

Facts don’t matter with the media.

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11 thoughts on “Marine Medal of Honor Recipient Dakota Meyer Disproves Transgender Soldier Story”

  1. This is an example of the kind of “false-news” the liberal/left-wing/lame-stream media has been foisting on the American public since the antiwar jocks were reporting EVERY American who served in Vietnam was a “baby-killer/war-criminal” back in the late 60s. They CANNOT be trusted. Now THEY wonder WHY the American people do not believe them and long for “…the good ol’ days…” when they were the only voice on air, and no one could fact check them.

  2. This is an example of the kind of “false-news” the liberal/left-wing/lame-stream media has been foisting on the American public since the antiwar jocks were reporting EVERY American who served in Vietnam was a “baby-killer/war-criminal” back in the late 60s. They CANNOT be trusted. Now THEY wonder WHY the American people do not believe them and long for “…the good ol’ days…” when they were the only voice on air, and no one could fact check them.

  3. The truth is destroying the left and they are to stupid to understand, so they double down on stupid. Liberalism is what smart looks like to stupid people.

  4. Transgender service members just complicate combat situations more than they are already complicated. I personally don’t believe there is such a thing as a transgender but will give them the benefit of doubt. Having said that if there are they are very rare and to my way of thinking must have both chromosomes to be truly transgender. The rest need to look down and take a peek at your genitalia and go with that. So before everyone hammers me on this let it be known this is only my opinion.

  5. Transgender service members just complicate combat situations more than they are already complicated. I personally don’t believe there is such a thing as a transgender but will give them the benefit of doubt. Having said that if there are they are very rare and to my way of thinking must have both chromosomes to be truly transgender. The rest need to look down and take a peek at your genitalia and go with that. So before everyone hammers me on this let it be known this is only my opinion.

  6. Caitlyn Jenner is a transgender, and a supporter of Trump. Trump said she could use any bathroom she wants when she visits him at Trump Towers. I have no problem with transgenders in the military, as long as their behavior does not negatively impact moral, mission or team cooperation.

    My only objection is that when soldiers or people in prisons decide they want to change sex, the rest of us have to pay for it. That goes a step too far.

    Also, I don’t think pre-puberty children should make a decision to change their gender, since puberty does impact that decision, based on a lot of data and observations of by psychologists

  7. This is an example of the kind of “false-news” the liberal/left-wing/lame-stream media has been foisting on the American public since the antiwar jocks were reporting EVERY American who served in Vietnam was a “baby-killer/war-criminal” back in the late 60s. They CANNOT be trusted. Now THEY wonder WHY the American people do not believe them and long for “…the good ol’ days…” when they were the only voice on air, and no one could fact check them.

  8. Transgender service members just complicate combat situations more than they are already complicated. I personally don’t believe there is such a thing as a transgender but will give them the benefit of doubt. Having said that if there are they are very rare and to my way of thinking must have both chromosomes to be truly transgender. The rest need to look down and take a peek at your genitalia and go with that. So before everyone hammers me on this let it be known this is only my opinion.

  9. Caitlyn Jenner is a transgender, and a supporter of Trump. Trump said she could use any bathroom she wants when she visits him at Trump Towers. I have no problem with transgenders in the military, as long as their behavior does not negatively impact moral, mission or team cooperation.

    My only objection is that when soldiers or people in prisons decide they want to change sex, the rest of us have to pay for it. That goes a step too far.

    Also, I don’t think pre-puberty children should make a decision to change their gender, since puberty does impact that decision, based on a lot of data and observations of by psychologists

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