Crenshaw On Border: Dems ‘Don’t Want Solutions,’ Just To Make Trump Seem ‘Evil’

Jake Dima on July 22, 2019

Texas Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw chastised New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for not working to fix the border crisis and painting President Donald Trump as “evil” Monday on “Fox and Friends.”

Ocasio-Cortez called for a “9/11-style commission” Saturday to investigate family separations at the U.S. border. Her commission would be based of the independent investigation used after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, according to Vox. Crenshaw called her idea “fuel to the fire” on growing tensions about illegal aliens in America.

“Notice that they never come up with a solution,” Crenshaw told “Fox & Friends.”

“They talk about the over-crowded facilities. They never have a solution. They don’t have a solution for our immigration system. They say it shouldn’t be defined by the administration — well, we do have laws right now … that says you can’t illegally cross the border. That’s immigration policy set by Congress. It’s a law in place. We need to enforce it.”

Crenshaw also insisted that Democrats don’t want to solve the perceived problem, instead they want to discredit Trump and paint him as “evil.”

“What they really want is more commissions like this, more investigations they can point to, to call the president evil,” he said. “That’s what they want,” he told Fox.

He remains worried that Democrats are trying to decriminalize illegal entries into the U.S. mainland.

6 thoughts on “Crenshaw On Border: Dems ‘Don’t Want Solutions,’ Just To Make Trump Seem ‘Evil’”

  1. Just like a branch in the wind, being blown around and making a noise regardless of which way the wind is blowing. Nothing of worth comes of it, just noise and a slapping sound from the branch and leaves hitting on the walls of progress. No solution to the problems of criminals, undesirables, or junkies entering the country at will. Just make a noise and condemn those who do try to keep the country safe from harm. Of course it will not affect these drongos, because they have rourted enough funds from the public purse to insure their own safety.

  2. Jimmie Cooper Boswell

    the legislative branch makes the laws and provides sufficient funding for them. the supreme court, insures the laws passed are constitutional. the administrative branch enforces or carries out the laws passed by congress with the authorized budget from the house.

    it is not the job of the legislature, to hinder, obstruct justice, prevent, hamper, or deny the administration from performing their duty to enforce laws. they are supposed to support, the president in enforcing laws. and not criticize the president for enforcing the laws congress made and passed.

  3. It is obvious that they don’t want a solution because the Constitution give sole authority for immigration and naturalization to Congress. If the wanted a solution they have the authority to do it. The only function of the President and immigration authorities is to enforce the law.

  4. Dan Crenshaw succinct analysis on the reality of the situation is just about perfect ! indeed any observant fair minded and unbiased person can clearly see that it is exactly so !
    The Democrats unprofessional conduct and juvenile dilettantism is astounding , and because their charade has now been going on for so long , perhaps they really are a bunch of unprofessional dilettantes
    not to be taken seriously at all !…

  5. My comment let congress get busy not spending our money on investigations but get their back sides in gear to improve our country give American protection form illegals and we are not socialists we are AMERICANS they cannot get that in proper view and if not get OUT TO OTHER COUNDTRIES!

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