Congressman Jason Lewis Hospitalized Following Train Accident

jason lewis

The Amtrak train wreck in West Virginia was far worse than initially reported.

When we published the breaking story earlier this afternoon, there were no reported injuries outside of a few sprained joints. But as details came in about the accident, reports of injuries grew worse.

One fatality has been reported. And one congressman has been rushed to the hospital:

The congressman hospitalized is Rep. Jason Lewis of Minnesota. Zero Hedge reports: “ABC has identified the Congressman who was hospitalized today following a train accident near Charlottesville, Va. that left one dead. It is Minnesota Rep. Jason Lewis, who represents Minnesota’s suburban second district. The district encompasses most of the twin cities’ southeastern suburbs, as well as slice of St. Paul.”

This is highly unfortunate. But we should keep in mind that the accident could have been much worse. Reports indicate that there were over a dozen Republican congressmen on the train, including Greg Walden, Paul Ryan, Chuck Fleischmann, Lloyd Smucker, Steve Womack, Jeff Denham, Jeff Flake, Kevin Kramer, and Pete Sessions.

Rep. Lewis could use our prayers at this time. Vice President Mike Pence is encouraging everyone to keep Lewis and all the injured in their thoughts and prayers:

Share this story over Facebook now. And please pray for Congressman Lewis’s quick recovery!

Jim E. is a true political insider, with experience working both in Washington and outside in real America. Jim ... More about Jim E
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