Congressional Black Caucus to Begin Discussing Impeachment of Trump

Following last week’s white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, everyone on the Left is looking to exploit the situation for political gain.

Some are using the opportunity to call for the removal of Confederate statues. Nancy Pelosi personally called for Confederate symbols in the Capitol to be removed, leading one to question how she never noticed them in her past three decades in office. Others in the media used the opportunity to blast President Donald Trump for not condemning the rally to their liking.

The President’s kookiest “resisters” are even calling for his impeachment. The agenda of the Congressional Black Caucus is, according to Maxine Waters, “IMPEACH 45,” and they’re using Charlottesville as an excuse to get rid of President Trump.

The caucus’ chairman Monday urged cancellation of next month’s highly-anticipated meeting between White House officials and leaders of the nation’s historically black colleges. And he plans to have the 49-member caucus meet when Congress returns in two weeks to discuss whether to back Democratic-led efforts to impeach Trump.

Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., the caucus chairman, said the president’s remarks after the deadly August 12 protest in Charlottesville show he has no commitment to the schools or the African American community. Richmond said the caucus was outraged by Trump’s assertion of “blame on both sides” for the violent rally dominated by neo-Nazis and white supremacists.

“You can make an argument based on pure competency and fitness to serve, and that’s the conversation the caucus will have,” Richmond told reporters in a conference call Monday. The caucus includes 46 House Democrats, Democratic Sens. Kamala Harris of California and Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey, and Republican Rep. Mia Love of Utah.

“Am I concerned about high crimes and misdemeanors?” Richmond asked. “Absolutely. Am I concerned about this president’s fitness to serve? Absolutely.”


Additionally, the Caucus joined Pelosi in calling for the removal of Confederate statues from the Capitol, presumably so they can call anyone who disagrees with them racist. I say that only because we’ve never heard such concerns before in the Caucus’ 46-year history.

Richmond promised a “robust discussion” about impeachment by the Caucus when Congress returns on September 5th. Do they actually think they’re going to impeach him? Of course not – there’s no way in hell that they’d get the support in Congress. What they are looking for is support from the “resistance” so they can try to score more seats during the 2018 elections.

And it isn’t going to work. Even if Democrats win every single race in 2018, it’s highly unlikely they’ll achieve a majority in either chamber of Congress.

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By Matt

Matt is the co-founder of Unbiased America and a freelance writer specializing in economics and politics. He’s been published... More about Matt

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