CNN’s Jim Acosta Will Receive ‘Truth to Power’ Journalism Award

The New York Press Club will be awarding CNN’s Jim Acosta a prestigious “Truth to Power” journalism award at their annual dinner in June.

A press release late last week indicates that the award is meant to honor “an individual whose body of work challenges the power establishment and/or defends journalists.”

How they came across Acosta’s name without the associated term ‘fake news’ during their research is anybody’s guess. The NYPB issued a full-throated swoon for the highly-biased reporter regardless.

“We are proud to honor a man such as Jim Acosta,” president of the NYPB Jane Tillman Irving said. Acosta “has proven himself throughout his storied, decades-long career to be a journalist of the utmost integrity.”

“For his unwavering commitment to fact and journalism, we are pleased to add to Jim’s many accolades with the Gabe Pressman ‘Truth to Power’ award,” Irving gushed.

The only question now is, how will Acosta get out of the building with his new award when his head is no doubt going to be uber-inflated by this ridiculous flattery.

Challenges the Power Establishment

Rewarding someone who supposedly “challenges the power establishment” is a strange way to say you’re awarding somebody for throwing temper tantrums and making every press event about his own ego.

The lone legitimate challenge Acosta embarked on this past year involved his press credentials, which were rightfully revoked by the White House after an altercation with a female intern, and subsequently restored following a lawsuit by CNN and supported by Fox News.

Beyond that, he needs to be scolded frequently like a petulant child for his antics.

And reminded by the White House Press Secretary that he’s not as intelligent as he believes.

There are times he’s so bent on ‘fighting the establishment’ that he walks out of a press briefing practically teary-eyed.

Then there was the time Acosta had to be shushed by people infinitely more professional than he is.

Incidentally, a colleague of Acosta’s, Steve Krakauer, a former senior digital producer for CNN, blasted him for this incident, referring to him as “truly an embarrassment, on multiple levels.”

Krakauer added that Acosta “give(s) all good journalists a bad name.”

Fighting Trump

Let’s be realistic here – Acosta is only receiving this award based on his amateurish antics in dealing with the Trump White House.

He never ‘challenged the power establishment’ when Barack Obama was in office.

There is a famous clip of the CNN lackey introducing a question for Obama prefaced with flatteries like “some people are calling your best week ever last week.”

Best week ever.

Yea, he’s a real truth warrior, isn’t he NYPB?

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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