The Clintons’ Financials Were Just RELEASED And This Will Make Middle-Class Americans’ Blood Boil


Typical of the Clintons – they would take a blind man’s money. They are low and getting lower.

Wake up people! She is incapable of running this country. She’s been deemed the worst Secretary of State we’ve ever had, and blames everyone else for her failures. Just how does the Butcher of Benghazi sleep at night knowing she was not there for the 2am call. Her e-mails are another horror story and let’s not forget ISIS grew because she failed to do her job. On Tuesday, Fox News broke this latest financial blockbuster

In the 18 months prior to announcing her second campaign for president, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination addressed private equity investors in California, delivered remarks to bankers in Hilton Head, South Carolina and spoke to brokers at the Ritz-Carlton in Naples, Florida.  Her efforts capped a nearly 15-year period in which Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, made at least $35 million by giving 164 speeches to financial services, real estate and insurance companies after leaving the White House in 2001, according to an Associated Press analysis of public disclosure forms and records released by her campaign. Her backers at financial firms say they have little expectation her family’s personal profits will influence her policymaking, noting their own opposition to her plan to raise taxes on the hedge fund and private equity profits known as carried interest.  “She and Bill were both government servants all of their life and there was a set period of time when they could make money,” venture capitalist Alan Patricof, a longtime Clinton fundraiser, said of the Clintons’ paid speechmaking. “She had to maximize her earning potential.”

It’s amusing that people actually believe she is going to fight for them. Once in office she’ll drop the American public like a hot potato. Believe her and you deserve everything you get.

It’s always been about the power of money with the Clintons’ and the easiest dupes to get them what they really want vote Democrat.

What do you think about this development? Why can’t anyone arrest this lady and throw away the key? Share you thoughts below in the comment section below and add this story to your Twitter/Facebook timeline.

H/T: Fox News

Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded... More about Wayne Dupree