Michelle Obama has spent 8 years in the White House embarrassing America. Her attacks on the school lunch system and her nanny state policies are polarizing.
She famously said years ago that she’s never been proud of America. She subsequently went onto spend hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer-funded vacations around the world, complete with extensive security detail and designer clothing.
Even though President Obama is out of Office in January, Michelle can’t keep herself from embarrassing America yet again. Check out how she handled a recent reading of a famous Christmas Story at a children’s hospital in Washington, D.C.
Even at Christmas, Michelle is busy promoting her busy-body, big government agenda, instead of allowing kids to enjoy a classic story.
As CNS News reports:
Santa Claus is fat and he smokes a pipe. That presented an uh-oh moment Monday, as First Lady Michelle Obama and TV/radio host Ryan Seacrest read “The Night Before Christmas” to a group of children at a Washington, D.C. hospital.
Mrs. Obama told the children, “Well, we have a story to tell you — a story about Christmas night and this guy named –”
“Old St. Nick,” Seacrest joined in.
Mrs. Obama told the children that she and Ryan would read together: “You guys ready?”
The story began: “‘Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.”
And so it went, until they got to the part about Santa coming down the chimney:
“His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, and the beard on his chin was as white as the snow,” Seacrest read.
Then it was Mrs. Obama’s turn: “‘The stump of a pipe’ — I think St. Nick gave up smoking,” she interjected. (Laughter.) “This was a long time back,” she explained to the kids.
“This was written way back in the day,” Seacrest echoed.
“But way back in the day,” Mrs. Obama agreed. She continued: “The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth, and the smoke, it encircled his head like a wreath.”
Michelle can’t leave the issue alone. Kids should be allowed to be kids, especially during the holidays. This is not a time for politics.
I’m sure Michelle had problems with even saying the word “Christmas.” =
Here is the shameful moment, caught on tape:
It’s time for the Obama family to get out of the White House immediately. Eight years has been far too long, and it’s time for a change.
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