Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Issues ‘Call to Arms’ Against Supreme Court, Claims They’re Coming For ‘LGBTQ+ Community’

Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot issued a "call to arms" for the LGBT community in the wake of the potential abortion ruling, suggesting the Supreme Court will be "coming for us next."

Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot issued a “call to arms” for the LGBT community in the wake of the potential Supreme Court abortion ruling, claiming without evidence that the Court will be “coming for us next.”

“To my friends in the LGBTQ+ community—the Supreme Court is coming for us next,” she tweeted late Monday night. “This moment has to be a call to arms.”

In a follow-up message she wrote, “We will not surrender our rights without a fight—a fight to victory!”

Her incendiary message comes in response to news of a draft opinion indicating the landmark Roe v. Wade decision may be overturned by the Supreme Court.

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Lori Lightfoot’s Call to Arms

It would be easy to dismiss Lori Lightfoot’s call to arms, having borne witness to her once dressing up as a superhero called the ‘Rona Destroyer’ in the midst of the pandemic.

But her words need to be taken seriously.

The provocative messages come amidst a rise in tensions amongst pro-abortion advocates who have been protesting outside the homes of several Supreme Court justices – a move designed to convince them to change their decision.

It also comes as the headquarters of a pro-life group in Wisconsin was set on fire and churches have been targeted.

Encouraging unhinged anti-life liberals with such incendiary rhetoric is courting disaster. There is little doubt some of Lighthead Lightfoot’s followers truly believe the Supreme Court is “coming for” the LGBT community.

RELATED: Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Explains ‘The Shining’ Email Where She Went Ballistic On Aide

Wants to Make Chicago a Safe Space For Abortion

Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot not only issued a ‘call to arms’ against Supreme Court Justices in the wake of the Roe v. Wade news, but she also announced she would make her city an ‘island of reproductive freedom.’

No word on whether or not ‘island of reproductive freedom’ is what Jeffrey Epstein called his private paradise in the Caribbean.

Note to fact-checkers: That was a joke.

Lightfoot announced a $500,000 investment for ‘reproductive rights’ in her city, saying “Chicago will then be an island of freedom for reproductive rights.”

Despite moonlighting as the previously mentioned Rona Destroyer and a Beetlejuice doppelganger, Lightfoot does reportedly have a feisty side.

This past Spring she had to address an email she sent – which had been compared to the deranged rantings of Jack Nicholson’s character in “The Shining” – in which she berated an aide for a lack of what she calls ‘office time.’

“Since my prior requests for office time are routinely ignored, I am now resorting to this,” the Democrat mayor wrote in her email to the aide.

What follows are 16 consecutive sentences reading: “I need office time every day!”

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“Not just once a week or some days, every day!” Lightfoot continues, an additional 10 separate times.

She makes Nicholson’s Jack Torrance character look sane by comparison.

Kidding aside – Lori Lightfoot’s “call to arms” for the false notion that the Supreme Court is “coming” for the LGBT community is dangerous and beneath the office she holds.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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