Chelsea Handler Reveals Disturbing Details About Her ‘Deep, Deep Crush’ On Governor Andrew Cuomo

Handler Cuomo

The comedian Chelsea Handler has long been disturbingly vocal about her “deep, sexual feelings” about New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. In a new interview, Handler delved even further into her sexual obsession with the New York Democrat.

Handler Describes Her Crush On Cuomo

Handler told Entertainment Tonight that she first began to notice Cuomo when he started doing daily press conferences at the height of the coronavirus pandemic.

“We had this man, this big Italian meatball coming to the floor who looked like the Incredible Hulk and he was like, ‘Yeah, I’m gonna flatten your curve.’ I’m like, ‘I’m gonna flatten your curve and then your pecks, together,'” Handler said. “So, I had a very deep, deep crush on him, and yes, I was very public about it.”

When asked if Cuomo knows about her feelings for him, Handler said, “I think he’s aware. …Listen, we were all feeling it, you know? A lot of women and a lot of gay guys were [into him] also, and probably a lot of straight guys to be quite honest with you.”

RELATED: Chelsea Handler Bizarrely Admits To Having ‘Deep Sexual Feelings’ For Governor Andrew Cuomo

Handler Discusses Her Chances With Cuomo

Despite the fact that Handler has some famous friends in her corner, she doesn’t think they’ll be setting her up with Cuomo anytime soon.

“Nobody’s trying to set me up with anybody because of my personality,” she said with a laugh. “…There’s a very specific age group of men that are drawn to me, and those men are between the age of 60 and 80 and they love me. They’re usually married and older and they get a kick out of me. Men my own age are like, ‘Listen, you’re too loud, you’re too opinionated,’ they’re not as into it.”

As for Handler’s current dating life, the 45 year-old said it’s actually been easier during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The benefits of COVID are going on dates with people and then deciding you don’t want to be physical with them and saying, ‘Well, it’s COVID, we can’t do anything anyways,'” she explained. “Or you can stop hanging out with people because you’re like, ‘It’s COVID, it’s just too dangerous.’ So it’s a good way to thin the herd.”

RELATED: Chelsea Handler Posts Bizarre Video Saying She’s ‘Hot’ For ‘Boyfriend’ Andrew Cuomo

Handler Ignores Cuomo’s Failings

With her crush on Cuomo, Handler is ignoring the fact that Cuomo arguably handled the coronavirus pandemic worse than any other governor in the country, as he initially sent COVID-19-positive patients to nursing homes in his state. This resulted in countless elderly people becoming infected with the virus, when they wouldn’t have been otherwise.

Thankfully for Cuomo, however, he is a Democrat, so Hollywood airheads like Handler ignore the blood on his hands.

This piece was written by James Samson on October 23, 2020. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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