Chelsea Clinton Criticized Trump Administration’s Asset Forfeiture Program, Ignoring That Her Father Made It Law

Chelsea Clinton attempted to smear Donald Trump yesterday – unaware that she was attacking the policies of her own father in the process. It all began with the Department of Justice releasing new guidelines on civil asset forfeiture, greatly expanding the government’s ability to seize assets from private citizens.

Civil asset forfeiture is something conservatives should oppose, as it give the government the ability to seize the assets of those merely suspected of crimes, not convicted of them. According to the libertarian Institute for Justice, the total dollar value of assets seized by law enforcement through civil asset forfeiture exceeds losses from burglars.

And among those expressing their outrage was none other than Chelsea Clinton, who called it “Orwellian.”

There’s only one problem….

In fact, it’s thanks to Bill Clinton that the government’s revenues from asset forfeitures exploded. As Generation Opportunity explains;

Despite its intent to reform civil forfeiture, when all was said and done, the program continued. To put it in perspective, in 1986, the Department of Justice (DOJ) added $93.7 million in revenue to its Assets Forfeiture Fund. By 2014, the annual deposits had increased by 4,467 percent, totaling $4.5 billion.

Additionally, according to the Institute for Justice’s Policing for Profit: The Abuse of Civil Asset Forfeiture,“The forfeiture funds of the DOJ and  Treasury Department together took in nearly $29 billion from 2001 to 2014, and combined annual revenue grew 1,000 percent over the period.”

CAFRA was meant to curb or limit civil asset forfeiture, but it fell short. With more and more cases of civil asset forfeiture drastically affecting the lives of its victims, now is the time for substantial reform.

It’s great to see Chelsea taking such a moral stand we can all rally behind. It’s too bad her father is among those to blame.

And it once again proves that every time Chelsea Clinton opens her mouth, she embarrasses herself.

Chelsea Clinton needs to get off Twitter. Her incoherent comments show just how clueless she is about politics.

Do you think Chelsea Clinton is an embarrassment? Let us know your thoughts below and share this story on Facebook and Twitter!

6 thoughts on “Chelsea Clinton Criticized Trump Administration’s Asset Forfeiture Program, Ignoring That Her Father Made It Law”

  1. Marilyn, I take exception to your “dumb as a rock” comment – – I have rocks in my driveway that are LOTS smarter than her…they are NOT being shoved “under the buss”…otherwise I agree with what you write…

  2. Chelsea Clinton is about as dumb as a rock & no one cares what she has to say about anything! She’s just as guilty as her criminal parents stealing money from the Clinton Foundation, a fake charity, & who knows what else she’s done. Clinton’s are the most vile, despicable people on the planet!

  3. Well personally, I don’t care who implemented this law. I do not feel that the government should have the right to confiscate people assets and property without due cause. JUST WRONG, LEGALLY AND MORALLY.

      1. You are 100% right Janet. Actually jeansandjackets appears to be a moron named Sue Everson. Probably a lesbian bi*^h who is still crying over the Hildabeast not getting elected. She obviously is a complete idiot!

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