After Charlottesville, Dr. Ben Carson’s Home Was Vandalized by Anti-Trumpers

The fallout from the deadly violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, continues. For the past two days, the liberal media has attacked President Trump for a rally that he had no part of and for racism that he condemned.

But one member of Trump’s cabinet has been silent – HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson, who is an African-American. Now, we know why.

In the aftermath of Charlottesville, Dr. Ben Carson and his wife Candy had their home vandalized, and hateful anti-Trump messages were left. Dr. Carson shared the tragic news on Facebook:

Regarding all of the racial and political strife emanating from the events in Charlottesville last weekend, let me…

Posted by Dr. Ben & Candy Carson on Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Carson tells a story about a neighbor who put up a Confederate flag years ago after they bought a home in rural Maryland. In support of the Carsons, other neighbors immediately put up American flags.

Then, Carson noted, “More recently our home in Virginia along with that of a neighbor was vandalized by people who also wrote hateful rhetoric about President Trump. We were out of town, but other kind, embarrassed neighbors cleaned up most of the mess before we returned.”

This is outrageous and unacceptable. Hateful anti-Trump rhetoric has had a real effect, and the Carson family has had their home vandalized. Thank God no one was home, but that was a close call. The vandals should be brought to justice and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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This is a breaking news story. We will have more details as they become available.

8 thoughts on “After Charlottesville, Dr. Ben Carson’s Home Was Vandalized by Anti-Trumpers”

    1. I agree with that! When she accused me of being a member of the KKK for criticizing Soros, I had to point out to her that Soros was a (former) Jew who turned in Jews to the Nazi’s in exchange for getting all of their possessions. Soros even admitted it on a 60 minutes segment a few years ago and when asked by the host if he was sorry, he said no. That’s why he should be droned.

  1. What happened to holding up our elected President and holding up the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? TRUMP Is going to be our President. The majority voted. Except it, be gracious. SUPPORT THE USA. Don’t these narrow-minded ppl know they’re being BAITED? Don’t these ppl realize the WORLD IS LAUGHING? WHERE IS THE PRIDE FOR MAN AND COUNTRY? This is Civil War II. Senseless.

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