On Monday, during a question and answer session, President Obama was asked how he would like the world to remember him. He said that he wants Americans to know that America once again became “the most respected country on earth” under his watch.
“People don’t remember, when I came into office, the United States in world opinion ranked below China, barely above Russia,” Obama said. “And today, once again, the United States is the most respected country on earth, and part of that I think is because of the work that we did to reengage the world and say that we want to work with you as partners, with mutual interests and mutual respect.”
Here’s the video of that claim:
Riiiiiiight! How did we ever get along without Barack Obama, and what will we do without him?
The United States has been the most respected nation on earth at least since the World War II era. We are NOT more respected now. Our allies know they cannot depend on this President, and our enemies don’t fear us. Barack Obama lives in his own narcissistic, delusional unreality.
The last thing the President of the United States should do is get up in front of an audience and proclaim that the U.S. is the most respected country on earth. The second-to-last thing — and it’s a very close second — is get up to proclaim a comparison with the respect accorded to other countries. What is this, a survey for Parade?
Charles Krauthammer weighed in on the prideful boast of said leader and this response will go down as one of his best.
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H/T: YouTube, NewsBusters