California Governor Jerry Brown Compares Trump Supporters to ‘People Who Live In Caves’

california daca trump

California Governor Jerry Brown took Hillary Clinton’s ‘deplorables’ comment to the next level, describing Trump supporters as ‘troglodytes,’ or “people who dwell in deep, dark caves.”

Brown, who has yet to rule out a presidential challenge to Donald Trump in 2020, made the comments at a unicorn support group global warming meeting in New York City.

The governor of the left coast’s liberal cesspool personally attacked the President first, referring to his approach on such topics as global warming and the way he deals with North Korea as “stupid and dangerous and silly.”

He then turned his attention to people he defines as “Trump-ites.”

“They’re both kind of very similar,” Brown said. “You should check out the derivation of ‘Trump-ite’ and ‘troglodyte,’ because they both refer to people who dwell in deep, dark caves.”


Got that? Trump supporters are cavemen for not necessarily towing the line on climate change. Liberals meanwhile, aren’t neanderthals even though they don’t recognize laws – you know, things that guide modern civilization – such as those pertaining to immigration.


It’s not Trump supporters who are barbaric enough to encourage abortion either lefties, it’s the liberal troglodytes that cheer such behavior.

But express skepticism over global warming alarmism – that’s the mindset of a caveman!

Brown’s comments stem from his dismay that the President has considered pulling the United States out of the Paris Climate agreement. The governor has been actively recruiting other states to enter into nonbinding climate-related agreements, an attempt to defy Trump.

“This is typical leftist poppycock,” writes Corey Stallings of Louder with Crowder. “If you dare to disagree with leftist gospel, you’re an ignorant, barbaric neanderthal.”

Brown, who earned the nickname Governor Moonbeam, has lashed out against Trump supporters with growing frequency. He recently claimed taxpayers who didn’t want to see tax hikes in California are “freeloaders.”

“The freeloaders — I’ve had enough of them,” he said. “They have a president that doesn’t tell the truth and they’re following suit.”

Now he’s handing over tens of millions of taxpayer money to illegal immigrants in his state.

Turns out the only ‘troglodyte’ we need to worry about is Governor Brown himself.

Tell Governor Brown what you think about his comments below!

35 thoughts on “California Governor Jerry Brown Compares Trump Supporters to ‘People Who Live In Caves’”

  1. First, are you sure that Jerry Brown is still alive? I feel like his administration is like Four Years at Bernie’s.

    Second, I forgot what we were talking about because he’s always so boring.

    Third, I’m very Paleo, so I consider the troglodyte reference, not a compliment, but an affirmation.

    Uh, the rest of it, I don’t get. It’s devoid of substance. So is this guy actually suffering from dementia?

    Now, how’s that for a slap back?

  2. I think Gov Brown needs a hard lesson in economics. Agriculture is one of the prominent elements of the state’s economy: The state’s most valuable crops are cannabis,[12] nuts, grapes, cotton, flowers, and oranges. CA produces the major share of U.S. domestic wine. Dairy products contribute the single largest share of farm income. If the ‘cavemen’ use their buying power to buy agriculture products from other states, your economy will fade like snowflakes in the sun. We The People have The Power of The Pocketbook. Evidence of our Power is shown in low NFL receipts and lack of interest in the Grammy’s. Your GDP can be easily reduced by boycotting CA finance, insurance & RE ($482.9 billion), professional & business services ($306.34 billion), manufacturing ($253.64 billion) and information ($219.64 billion). If people would take vacations in any of the other beautiful states, CA could lose a good portion of their $94.6 Billion in arts, entertainment and recreation. Gov Brown’s arrogance can easily cause his state to suffer way more than a drought ever did. Reference for the data: Did you know CA has a paper check clearinghouse that some banks do not recognize? Found this out when one of my checks was rejected, and not due to NSF. I hope people will start paying attention to where their fruits & veggies come from and boycott CA produce. Buy WI milk, GA nuts, CO cannabis, TX cotton, WI is full of grape farms and wineries. The point is- CA is not the only rodeo in town!

  3. No, actually they are the people that grow the food HE eats. Like most liberal morons, he probably thinks that the food he buys comes form the back of the grocery store where he shops…ya-think…?

  4. “stupid and dangerous and silly.”
    That is how Jerry Brown has been running California since he was elected. If anyone knows about stupid and dangerous and silly, it is this kumquat for a brain Jerry Brown. Why the idiot voters of my state continue to elect this vile, stupid man and his associates – Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Diana Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, etc – is beyond me. You would think after being promised things will get better over and over again and nothing like that happens, you would start to wonder why you are believing these people. But, apparently, our state has imported a fair amount of stupid people who are allowed to vote whether they are legal citizen or not. It’s time for President Donald Trump to come to this state, drain OUR swamp of the idiots sitting in power in Sacramento and give this once great state back to the REAL citizens.

  5. who cares what the acid head draft dodger terrorist has to say. this moron believe we should take in people from muslim nations with out vetting them at all, this moron believes that we should have no border between us and the drug cartels of south america, this moron dropped acid and dodged the draft because he was a big ass pus s y, if this morn sucked on the barrel of a gun adn ended his life he would be doing the world a favor. jerry brown is nothing more then a dope head traitor to this nation always has been always will be, he should be put before a firing squad and executed for his crimes against this nation and for stealing millions of dollars from the tax payers of california and for scamming the federal government in bogus made up transportation schemes that got millions in grants from the federal government!

  6. Who gives a $7it what moonbeam thinks about anything…
    “Trump-ites?” YEP, I’m one. Eight previous idiotic years with Pellosi-ite / Brown minded people
    was more than enough, thank you.
    “Trump-ite” is fairly descriptive……..Isn’t $#it “Brown”?

    1. Unfortunately we have to care since the idiot is STILL in power. We need to rid the state of the over 11 million ILLEGAL ALIENS that he allows to stay here, breed, take precious resources, use our schools and hospitals without paying for them and voting in our elections that are only suppose to be for AMERICAN citizens. That is why I care. This man is a danger to me, to you and to all of California. It’s time for Donald Trump to come here with the National Guard and escort this man to prison for crimes against his state and country.

  7. Jerry Brown gave the money for fixing the Featherriver dam to illegals and trump told him to fix it because the money was there from the Corp of Engineers and Jerry stole it for his illegal buddies. WAY to GO! Jerry brown once more youve proven you cant govermn only steal the peoples wealth for those who come into this nation illegally.

  8. This is the new normal society we live in. You have those who live and breath liberalism and those who see it as a sickness. Everyone already knows the Brown is far left liberal and that anything remotely “right” he will instinctively be against. Sure there are those voters stuck in the middle, for example parents of a gay child who believe the liberal media that all gays and every other minority fringe group on the planet need protecting . I call it “Walter Cronkite Syndrome”, where if the media reports it, then it must be true. But there is hope, I see more and more people waking to the fact that our media is lying, and has been lying to us, for many years. The Trump Bashing, for the sake of it, has now become extremely apparent and we’re seeing more and more people unwilling to fall for the leftist hate stories. Yes, the leftist hate is here to stay, Obama got his “Nation Divided” and until we can take back all our schools from the liberals who have our children’s eyes and ears, it will continue to be “the new normal”.

  9. this demented duck doesn’t want to hear what i compare him to. in case he’s forgotten, we
    haven’t. we still remember this moonbeam when he was hanging out in a tent with a fellow
    fairy, linda rondstat. he didn’t have us fooled then and we are not fooled now by this cretin.
    only in the land of fruits and nuts.

  10. As a result of people like Jerry Brown in politically elected positions, immorality runs rampant in the United States. The number of broken homes and fatherless households has continued to sky-rocket. Illegitimacy, the abortions of millions of innocent babies and epidemics of sexually transmitted diseases are the hallmark of a sleazy, if-it-feels-good-do-it morality. Gay marriage has now been declared legal, and even transgenderism is promoted at the highest levels. Millions seek escape in alcohol and illegal drugs. Crude and violent entertainment dominates the air-waves. Filth passes for culture. Millions of Godly citizens live in fear of becoming victims of crime in a dangerous society. Many of the cities in the UNited States are cesspools of gang violence, poverty, illiteracy, and illegitimacy! Greed and materialism have become the national religion in countries that have long prided themselves on being “Christian” nations. As a result, many now view the United States once respected, with ill-disguised contemt! This is what the Jerry Browns of the United States, have done to Our beloved country.

  11. You just have to understand that Brown is Governor of The Left Coast, the capital-center of Liberal Land. He just can;t help it. He’s made that way.

    The rest of the nation just laughs, shrugs him off, and applaud’s their President’s daily activities. Brown just can’t be taken seriously or held responsible for his own thoughts or actions. From the beginning, he lacked proper toilet training.

  12. This is what happens when you vote for the mentally unstable. That’s you Californians. You put this dork in power. Are you ashamed yet? California has become a Bolshevik state similar to what Europe and the UK have become. Millions of you must be so proud. You voted for it now live with it. Just don’t let the disease infect other states, please.

    1. lets see how quickly these fools wake up when the federal government removes
      all aid from their state budget. let the compassionate celebrities fund the government
      and take in all the “dreamers” and illegals. this should be the best show hollywood has
      ever produced.

  13. Jerry Brown is what is wrong with America today. He should shut that yapper and disappear from public. He has an inflated sense of self-worth but no one will miss him when he’s gone. In fact, he could disappear tomorrow and I doubt anyone would look for him. He needs to concentrate ion the miserable job that he is doing with CA and not worry what others are doing. He’s just jealous, poor little baby!

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