Broward County Deputy Dubbed a ‘Coward’ by Trump Arrested on Multiple Charges

Scot Peterson, the former Broward County Deputy caught on surveillance video stalling outside of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High while a shooter carried out a massacre of 17 students inside, has been arrested on multiple felony and misdemeanor charges.

Peterson, who was labeled a “coward” by President Trump for failing to confront the gunman, has been arrested on “seven counts of neglect of a child and three counts of culpable negligence and one count of perjury” relating to the tragedy, according to a statement issued by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE).

Peterson, video evidence shows, hid outside for several minutes while the gunman moved unabated about the Parkland, Florida school, even navigating between floors and claiming several other victims.

The Broward County Sheriff’s office, newly under the command of Sheriff Gregory Tony after Sheriff Scott Israel was removed in disgrace, issued a statement on the arrest, which included the termination of another employee.

Today, as a result of the continuing internal investigation and disciplinary process, Broward County Sheriff Gregory Tony officially announced the termination of two deputies who were found to have neglected their duties.  The two are former Deputy Scot Peterson and Sergeant Brian Miller.  The deputy and sergeant were found to have neglected their duties at MSD High School.  They have been terminated and will no longer be privileged to serve as law enforcement deputies for the Broward Sheriff’s Office.

Subsequent to an administrative discipline hearing at BSO headquarters this afternoon, former Deputy Peterson was taken into custody on multiple felony and misdemeanor charges and booked into the BSO Main Jail.

Peterson responded to Trump’s accusation of being a coward saying “it’s not true” and “he [Trump] wasn’t there.”

Peterson stood idly by while courageous ROTC students inside risked their lives helping fellow students escape.

Being charged with child neglect and negligence stemming from an investigation of the mass shooting seems to vindicate the President and his analysis.

More Troubles for Peterson

Peterson is also the subject of a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the family of a Parkland shooting victim, Meadow Pollack.

Andrew Pollack, Meadow’s father, believes at the very least Peterson could have confronted the killer within minutes and prevented several deaths.

“This guy could have ended it on the first floor,” he insisted. “Instead he let six more people die. My daughter would want me to speak up for her. The love I have for my daughter is unmeasurable.”

In a press release, FDLE Commissioner Rick Swearingen agreed, saying the “investigation shows former Deputy Peterson did absolutely nothing to mitigate the MSD shooting that killed 17 children, teachers and staff and injured 17 others.”

“There can be no excuse for his complete inaction and no question that his inaction cost lives,” Swearingen added.

In December of 2018, Pollack’s lawsuit was allowed to move forward despite Peterson’s attorneys filing a motion to dismiss. The latest investigation updates seem to indicate an even further positive outcome on the horizon for Meadow’s family.

It is no doubt bittersweet vindication for Mr. Pollack, who, you may remember, was mocked by liberals even as he searched for information about his daughter, for the sole crime of wearing a Trump t-shirt.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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