Playboy Writer Brian Karem Has A History Of Hostile Behavior

CNN correspondent Jim Acosta wasn’t the only reporter to have a whiny outburst during yesterday’s White House press briefing. Playboy magazine writer Brian Karem actually exploded at Deputy White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Here’s the transcript:

KAREM: Come on, you’re inflaming everybody right here, right now with those words. This administration has done that as well. Why in the name of heavens — any one of us, right, are replaceable. And any one of us, if we don’t get it right, the audience has the opportunity to turn the channel or not read us.

SANDERS: I think —

KAREM: You have been elected to serve for four years at least. There’s no option other than that.

SANDERS: I think —

KAREM: We’re here to ask you questions.

If that wasn’t bad enough, Karem later went on MSNBC to whine some more about his perceived shoddy treatment. Clearly, he was feeling burned after being shut down at the White House, and decided to let his temper get the better of him. Check out his outburst below:

But, it turns out this isn’t the first time Karem has flown off the handle at a White House press briefing. In fact, it’s something that got him fired in the past.

As GotNews reported, Karem “has been badgering speakers at administration press conferences for 25 years—in 1992, Texas’s KMOL-TV fired and then openly condemned Karem for his aggressive, disrespectful tone against then President George H. W. Bush and several Latin American leaders.”

Back in February of 1992, then-President George H.W. Bush was at a San Antonia Drug Summit press conference joined by the leaders from Columbia, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru. According to protocol, Karen was supposed to direct his remaining share of questions to leaders that hadn’t received any – which he refused to do, getting into an argument with H.W. Bush in the process. Here is a transcript from the interview:

PRESIDENT BUSH: This is for one of the three remaining. Please?

KAREM: Well, actually it’s for you, President Bush. The question I have to ask is –

PRESIDENT BUSH: Well thank you. I’m not going to take any more questions. I just told you. You didn’t understand it.

KAREM: Over the last – well, over the last few days –

PRESIDENT BUSH: Yes, this lady over here.

KAREM: Over the last few days –

PRESIDENT BUSH: Yes, please. I’m very sorry. You’re dealing with somebody who has made up his mind. And we’re trying to be courteous to everybody here. Now, if you have a question for one of the other three, ask it. Otherwise, sit down

He was fired from KMOL following the incident, with Karem claiming it was for simply “doing his job.” The media outlet said in a statement at the time that “A reporter’s right to question the president or any public official was never a point of disagreement with Brian Karem. His actions at the conference were the final straw in a series of misjudgments he has made. … He took it upon himself to question the president without being assigned to do so by the station. Furthermore, the belligerent attitude he displayed was unprofessional and unnecessary.”

He played the victim narrative then – and he’s doing it again now. It’s unfortunate that it’s working in his favor this time around.

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By Matt
Matt is the co-founder of Unbiased America and a freelance writer specializing in economics and politics. He’s been published ... More about Matt
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