Never doubt the ability of a Democrat to warp their mind to fit a specific narrative.
As the Brett Kavanaugh assault allegation brouhaha continues, Democrat protesters have actually started to crowd the halls of the Senate in the hopes of disrupting the ongoing process to get him confirmed. Many of these protesters aren’t exactly committed progressives. Some are actually protesters-for-hire bused in and paid for with George Soros money. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Soros-Backed Activists Slip Cash To Anti-Kavanaugh Protesters Before Arrests.)
If we’re honest, we can admit that Democrats are selective in their outrage over sexual abuse. Think Bill Clinton. (RELATED: Hillary Says Kavanaugh Accuser Deserves ‘Benefit Of The Doubt’; Juanita Broaddrick Fires Back.)
Or, better yet, think Keith Ellison, the current deputy head of the Democratic National Committee who is also running to be the attorney general of Minnesota. During the entire Kavanaugh scandal, Ellison’s ex-girlfriend Karen Monahan has pressed forward with her claim that Ellison was physically and emotionally abusive towards her. She’s gotten little attention for her efforts, least of all from Democrats. (RELATED: Democrats Ignore and Smear Ellison Accuser While Attacking Kavanaugh.)
During a recent protest event at the Senate, the Daily Caller’s Stephanie Hamill asked the liberal Kavanaugh opponents about the allegations against Ellison. Their answers are shocking:
Kavanaugh Protesters Refuse To Denounce Alleged Domestic Abuser Congressman @keithellison .. #Kavanaugh #KeithEllison #MeToo The double standards are staggering.. @DailyCaller
WATCH FULL VIDEO HERE:— Stephanie Hamill (@STEPHMHAMILL) September 21, 2018
This isn’t that surprising. Democrats were willing to look the other way when President Clinton had his way with a young intern.
Now it looks like they’re looking the other way as one of their own members faces credible allegations. And here’s the thing: Unlike Kavanaugh’s accuser, Monahan can actually back her claims up. (RELATED: ‘Emotional And Physical Abuse’: Ellison Accuser Posts Doctor’s Report Naming Congressman As Alleged Abuser.)
Andrew Klavan is right: If Democrats didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards.