Former law enforcement officer Dan Bongino slammed states that arrested parents for going to parks with their kids while releasing violent felons.
States Releasing Violent Criminals Due To Coronavirus
A number of states, including New York and California, are releasing prisoners they argue are either “at risk” of catching the coronavirus, such as pregnant women or people with auto-immune diseases. However, these “at risk” prisoners seem to be posing quite a risk to the general public. Two prisoners from Rikers Island in New York within the last month, who had both been locked up for violent crimes, were released and practically immediately committed more crimes.
James Little, 40, was released from Rikers Island on March 28th, due to fears regarding the coronavirus outbreak. He had been arrested earlier in March for allegedly strangling his girlfriend in her home in Brooklyn. He had been on parole since 2016, after serving more than 20 years in prison for a 1995 murder that he had committed when he was just 15 years old. Only a week after being let out of the New York prison, the violent felon allegedly attempted to rob the Apple Bank in Gramarcy Park in Manhattan.
While Robert Pondexter, 57, was arrested just last week after allegedly sexually assaulting a woman a mere 10 days after his release from Rikers Island, where he had been locked up for rape.
“Pondexter had been walking across the street from the Concern Heights Apartments building, a supportive housing development on the block, when he allegedly grabbed the woman by the collar and pulled her into a school parking lot,” police sources said.
Bongino: “This Nonsense Can’t Continue”
Speaking on Fox News, Bongino, who spent 12 years in law enforcement, was reminded of a quote from Havelock Ellis, who argued that “civilization is a thin crust on a volcano.” He told Fox and Friends to “never, ever ever forget that, because the thin crust is our police officers and military keeping that volcano contained and our civilisation in order.”
Whilst these criminals are being released into the streets, “moms and dads are being arrested in public parks for playing with their kids, for doing nothing wrong,” Bongino noted, referring to multiple stories, including an Idaho woman who was arrested after refusing to leave a closed public park.
“I’m not being dramatic when I tell you, this is really troubling. The very threads of the republic are being pulled at right now, and this kind of nonsense can’t continue,” Bongino continued. “We’re releasing them because it’s potentially dangerous for them to be in an enclosed environment because of COVID, but you didn’t think of the danger for other people like this poor woman who was nearly killed by this maniac, because you were worried about him catching this coronavirus? Are you kidding me? Non-violent? Please! I’ll take a hard pass on that one.”
I couldn’t agree more. The American public need protecting far more from these vicious criminals than the criminals do from the coronavirus!