BOMBSHELL! IRS Stunning Admission About Lois Lerner Could Bring Down House of Cards

The Internal Revenue Service admitted to a federal court Monday that former IRS director Lois Lerner used a second personal email account to conduct agency business during the Tea Party targeting scandal. As first reported by The Washington Times, not only did Lerner use the private account to conduct official IRS business, the agency has been aware of its existence for quite some time.

High crimes and misdemeanors are really what this administration is crafted on and if America ever needed a wake-up call to getting a handle on this, the time is now. This is so out of control, my head is spinning because of the unchecked corruption.

The account that was under the name “Toby Miles,” brings the number of accounts used by Lerner during the scandal to three. Again, the IRS has just admitted that it was aware of the Miles account since 2014, yet they haven’t said anything about it until now.

Just wonderful–remember this piece of defiance by Lerner:


The IRS admission was made during court over the lawsuit filed against the agency by the group Judicial Watch. The open-records lawsuit filed by the group aims to make public all of Lerner’s emails sent during the targeting of conservative groups filing for tax-exempt status.

via Fox News

IRS lawyer Geoffrey Klimas told the court that as it was putting together a set of documents to hand over to Judicial Watch, attorneys discovered another email account, in addition to her official account and a separate personal email already known to the agency.

“In the process of preparing this status report and for the August 24, 2015 release of Lerner communications, the undersigned attorneys learned that, in addition to emails to or from an email account denominated ‘Lois G. Lerner‘ or ‘Lois Home,’ some emails responsive to Judicial Watch’s request may have been sent to or received from a personal email account denominated ‘Toby Miles,’” Klimas told U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan.

It was not immediately clear whom “Toby Miles” refers to; Lerner’s husband is Michael Miles and reportedly may have been linked to the account. The IRS, though, concluded it was a personal account used by Lerner.

Klimas said the IRS is reviewing previous releases to Judicial Watch in light of the new account, and will provide an update by the end of August as to whether any documents need to be re-released with different redactions or if any additional searches need to be done.

A House Ways and Means Committee criminal referral in 2014 mentioned the Toby Miles email address, identified as [email protected], as the address was included on an email that also had Lerner’s official account on the chain of recipients.

Responding to the revelation of Lerner’s third email account, Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton told Fox News that “This is the latest in a parade of obstruction from the IRS and the Department of Justice on these issues,” and that “the Obama IRS scandal is not over.”

WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 22:  Internal Revenue Service Director of Exempt Organizations Lois Lerner leaves a hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee after refusing to testify May 22, 2013 in Washington, DC. The committee is investigating allegations that the IRS targeted conservative non-profit organizations with the words "tea party" and "constitution" in their names for additional scrutiny. Lerner, who headed the division that oversees exempt organizations, exercised her constitutional right not to answer questions.  (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

No wonder she refused to testify. This lady has many skeletons in her closet; it’s starting to resemble a cemetery plot. What are your thoughts about this development? What should be done to Lerner? Share your thoughts in our comment section below and add this story to your Twitter/Facebook timeline.

H/T: Fox News

Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded ... More about Wayne Dupree
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