New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and his wife were slammed online for non-essential travel to Brooklyn’s Prospect Park, 11 miles from their house.
“This Is The Epitome Of Non-Essential Travel!”
With the coronavirus outbreak, people have been recommended to only travel when essential, in order to stop the spread of the disease. However, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has decided that those recommendations don’t apply to him.
De Blasio and his wife were spotted by Twitter user Darren Goldner at Prospect Park on Saturday.
“I live right near Prospect Park. It’s a nice place to exercise at distance. Today, I ran into [de Blasio and his wife] there. But they live 11 miles away *inside* another park and force a 4 SUV entourage to drive them non-essentially to Bklyn for recreation,” Goldner wrote.
Continuing the thread, Goldner posted a video of him confronting de Blasio and his wife about their non-essential travel to Brooklyn, especially when they live right next to a park themselves.
“Seriously, you guys have a park. You live in the middle of a park. You don’t need to non-essentially travel to Brooklyn,” Goldner argued with de Blasio replying that he should just “give it a break,” but Goldner wasn’t done.
“I’m not going to give it a break. This is selfish behavior,” Goldner shouted to de Blasio and his wife. “This is so terribly selfish. You call yourself a progressive, but you chauffeur yourself to Brooklyn. You force people to drive you. This is ridiculous! This is the epitome of non-essential travel.”
RELATED: Kellyanne Conway Blasts NYC Mayor de Blasio On Coronavirus Response
Hypocrisy From Democrats!
This is unsurprising behavior, especially given it’s not the first time de Blasio has been spotted enjoying Prospect Park during the coronavirus outbreak. The elites don’t think that the laws, regulations, and recommendations apply to them like they do to you or me! They will criticize you, call you bigoted or ignorant for potentially arguing that restrictions should be lifted, but will then flaunt them themselves. I wouldn’t be shocked if more prominent Democrats were caught following suit – keep your eyes peeled.