2020 Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden told reporters on Monday that in light of the president’s tweets about far-left Democratic congresswomen, “there has never been a president in American history who has been so openly racist and divisive” as Donald Trump.
“Look, there has never been a president in American history who has been so openly racist and divisive as this man. Imagine what it says around the world. I mean, I really mean it,” Biden said.
“The United States has always led by the example of our power,” the former Vice President continued. “And for this president, after what happened in Charlottesville, continuing through — what, does he want them to go home to Brooklyn? Go home to Michigan?”
“It’s sickening. It’s embarrassing,” he added.
Joe Biden: "There has never been a President in American history who has been so openly racist and divisive as this man." pic.twitter.com/5KmkeT0q5C
— The Hill (@thehill) July 15, 2019
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This is Today’s Democratic Party
The Democratic Party has become so defined by identity politics that each of the 2020 candidates can be expected to out-PC each other, and no doubt the more centrist Biden probably feels the need to stake out his ground in this far-left environment.
One way to do it? Call Trump the most ‘openly’ racist president in our history.
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Trump’s recent tweet about Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar might have been “divisive,” as Biden insists, but is there an entity in the U.S. today more divisive on a regular basis than the contemporary Democratic Party? Democrats regularly categorize both their leaders and voters by race, gender and sexual orientation above all else. For the left today, “what” someone is has become far more important than “who” they are as individuals or what they might have accomplished in their lives.
For many Democrats, their 2020 White House candidates aren’t measured by how qualified they are for president, but if they are male or female, white or a person of color, heterosexual or part of the LGBT community.
There is nothing wrong with these things – but Democrats make these characteristics EVERYTHING.
Expect the Democrats to indulge in even more “racist” talk against the president as 2020 rolls on – and expect the former vice president to be front and center.