Biden Campaign: U.S. Government Can Have Trump Escorted Out of White House

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A spokesman for the Joe Biden campaign raised the possibility of President Trump being ‘escorted‘ from the White House if he does not concede the election.

The comments come as reports suggest the President has made no indication that he will concede if the media declares Biden the winner of the presidential election.

Trump’s campaign has refused to back down as they pursue litigation in states in which they are disputing the validity of a number of ballots.

“I’m not thinking about concession speech or acceptance speech yet,” the President told reporters.

“Hopefully we’ll be only doing one of those two. Winning is easy. Losing is never easy. Not for me, it’s not.”

Biden campaign spokesperson Andrew Bates issued a response.

“As we said on July 19th, the American people will decide this election,” Bates said in a statement.

“And the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House.”

RELATED: Trump Campaign Filing Lawsuits In Multiple States To Restore Integrity To The Election

Threats To Have Trump Escorted Out Of The White House Are Shameful

It’s clear the Biden campaign is attempting to intimidate the President into conceding, and dropping efforts to litigate the vote counts.

Trump’s team has filed multiple lawsuits in multiple states as they allege that some of the votes in these states may be invalid.

President Trump, tweeting comments by former Independent Counsel Ken Starr, pointed out legal arguments in both Michigan and Pennsylvania that Democrat governors and state attorneys general violated the Constitution in extending ballot-counting deadlines.

Starr went on to express his hope that these state matters can be resolved by the Supreme Court.

Trump’s campaign earlier today issued a statement saying they were not prepared to give up the fight.

“This election is not over,” Matt Morgan, Trump 2020 campaign general counsel, insisted.

“The false projection of Joe Biden as the winner is based on results in four states that are far from final.”

“Biden is relying on these states for his phony claim on the White House, but once the election is final, President Trump will be re-elected.”

RELATED: Tears, Rage Toward Pelosi And The ‘Squad’ As House Democrats Conference Call Is Leaked Following Election Losses

Biden Has Previously Said Military Would ‘Escort’ President Trump Out

Back in June, Biden himself argued that the military will intervene should President Trump lose to him in the 2020 election and refuse to leave office.

“I promise, I am absolutely convinced they [the military] will escort him from the White House with great dispatch,” said Biden.

The President has not refused to leave office, he has simply not prematurely conceded that he lost the election. There’s a big difference.

And to be clear: the media doesn’t elect the President. The Electoral College does. 

They begin their respective meetings December 14.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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