Beto O’Rourke Tells Man His Mother Should Have Had the Right to Abort Him Up Until Birth

Faltering 2020 presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke told a man that his mother had the right to abort him all the way up until birth.

O’Rourke was fielding questions during a speaking engagement at the College of Charleston when he made the somewhat startling declaration.

A man in the audience asked the far-left Democrat about third-trimester abortions, something Beto has previously said “should be a decision that the woman makes about her body” because “I trust her.”

The man phrased his question rather interestingly, setting O’Rourke up for a difficult response that he ultimately flopped on.

“My question is this: I was born Sept. 8th, 1989, and I want to know if you think on Sept. 7th, 1989, my life had no value,” he queried.


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“Of course I don’t think that,” O’Rourke said before adding a ‘but’ and a follow up on why the man’s life holds no value.

“This is a decision that neither you, nor I, nor the United States government should be making,” he added. “That’s a decision for the woman to make.”

Chillingly, the crowd in attendance erupts in cheers at the notion that human beings should be allowed to terminate a child’s life up to the date of birth for no specific reason.

RELATED: Six Democrats Running in 2020 Voted No On Providing Medical Care to Babies Surviving Abortion

Believe it or not, this isn’t the most extreme anti-life stance held in your modern-day Democrat party.

Numerous presidential candidates have voted ‘no’ on record to the prospect of providing medical attention to babies who survive abortion, essentially leaving them to die.

“Just a few years ago, the abortion lobby was really clear in its talk about hoping abortion would be … safe, legal, and rare,” Senator Ben Sasse, who introduced the ‘Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,’ said.

“Now we’re talking about keeping the baby comfortable while the doctors have a debate about infanticide.”

Sasse was referring to Governor Ralph Northam’s description of abortion laws in the state of Virginia.

RELATED: House Democrats Nix Born Alive Bill For A 20th Time

Aside from O’Rourke’s extreme views, other Democrats and liberals, including presidential candidates, have offered up some mind-numbing pro-abortion stances.

Julian Castro, during a Democratic presidential debate, said he believes biological males should have the same right to an abortion as women.

Men should have the right to an abortion. Men.

Co-host of ‘The View,’ Joy Behar, suggested “white guys” who support pro-life platforms should be forced to get sterilized.

One Alabama Democrat defended the act of abortion saying you can either “kill them now or you kill them later.”

He would later add that women should be allowed to abort “retarded” babies.

From top to bottom, liberals, the self-proclaimed ‘party of science,’ want to grant people the right to end a life right up until the moment of birth. No restrictions, no reasons necessary. They justify it by pretending the life inside the womb holds no value.

Just as Beto admitted.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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