Bernie Sanders: ‘The Democratic Party Has Become A Party Of The Coastal Elites’

bernie sanders coastal elites

During a recent interview, Senator Bernie Sanders admitted that Democrats are the “party of the coastal elites.”

The self-described socialist told the host of NBC’s “Late Night with Seth Meyers” that Democrats represent elites in Washington, D.C., New York City, and Los Angeles.

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Bernie Sanders: ‘Party Of The Coastal Elites, Folks Who Have A Lot Of Money’

Sanders said, “I think it is fair to say that in many ways the Democratic Party has become a party of the coastal elites, folks who have a lot of money, upper-middle-class people who are good people, who believe in social justice in many respects.”

“But I think for many, many years the Democratic Party has not paid the kind of attention to working-class needs that they should’ve,” Sanders added.

“And that has a lot to do with who funds campaigns, etc.”

Joe Biden Gets Far More Donations From Wall Street Than Donald Trump

Sanders makes a good point about who funds campaigns.

On Wednesday, CNBC noted that 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden received far more money from Wall Street than President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign. 

“People in the securities and investment industry will finish the 2020 election cycle contributing over $74 million to back Joe Biden’s candidacy for president, a much larger sum than what President Donald Trump raised from Wall Street, according to new data from the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics,” CNBC reported.

CNBC continued, “Trump received $20 million from those in the finance industry in 2016. Four years later, he will end his bid for reelection with just over $18 million from Wall Street.”

“Many of Trump’s previous backers in the finance world, including those who gave millions to his 2017 inaugural, have distanced themselves from helping his reelection bid,” CNBC noted.

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Hollywood Firmly Behind Biden

In addition to Biden’s massive Wall Street support, Hollywood and the entertainment industry at-large strongly backs Biden.

Biden plans to campaign with superstar singer Lady Gaga this week, and singer John Legend plans to appear on the with Biden’s running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris.

Lady Gaga created a bizarre video in support of Biden, where she cracks open a beer in front of a giant truck, while wearing camouflage: 

From Cher to Bette Midler and beyond, both the music and movie worlds are full on celebrities eager to attack President Trump and his supporters and praise former vice president Joe Biden.

So, Bernie Sanders is not wrong. The question is – why did he choose to remind voters that Democrats are the party of elites mere days before the election?

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is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He ... More about John Hanson
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