Why Government Can’t Fix Health Care

bernie sanders trump liar

Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders is pushing for America to adopt single-payer healthcare through his “Medicare for All Act of 2017.” Thankfully, that bill has zero chance of passing thanks to a guaranteed veto from President Donald Trump. Still, it’s hilarious to see him using the failures of Obamacare to justify a complete government takeover of health care.

Whether or not Bernie likes to admit it, even before Obamacare, nearly half of all health care spending in this country was attributable to our federal government thanks to Medicare and Medicaid. Government intervention has failed thus far – but he thinks more will fix it? If you thought the problems the government created were bad, just wait until you see their solutions!

When it comes to American health care, the problem is not with quality, but affordability. That’s why when it comes to cancer survival rates, our partially-capitalist health care system far outperforms all socialized systems around the world.

I probably don’t need to tell you that when government takes control of an industry, things don’t become more efficient and, therefore, cheaper. You can bet, however, that the government decides to try to cut costs by paying doctors like public servants, which I doubt will be very encouraging for those looking to enter the medical industry.

The problems in nations with socialized medicine are more than apparent. Most of the world’s new life-saving drugs are invented within the U.S., and it’s because of the profit motive. During the 1999-2005 period, the U.S. sold 71 percent of new pharmaceuticals, while Japan and Germany (our largest 2 competitors) sold 4 percent each. Another fact: Fifteen times more money is invested in American biotech companies than in European companies.

Heck, the entire European Union, Switzerland, Canada, and Australia, with a combined population of 681 million, have won 41 Nobel Prizes in Medicine and Physiology, while the U.S., with under half the population, has won 57 (as of 2010).

Additionally, America enjoys lower wait times and quicker recovery times than those who have “free” care.

But enough of me – here’s former Rep. Bob McEwen to explain the government-induced problems that already exist within American health care – and why more government intervention is not the answer.

Watch below:

Make sure you share this with anyone who thinks socialized medicine is a good idea!

4 thoughts on “Why Government Can’t Fix Health Care”

  1. People also must understand (that is the people who actually will take the time to read this), that from early adulthood, Bernie Sanders has debated, written, spoke out against, joined groups against, donated to groups against, received support from groups against, and actually BELIEVES in everything against America, American values, and freedom to have the life you want to go after…
    For many many years, he has been for Socialism & Communism…..And wake up everyone, he is most certainly not alone in our very own government…..

  2. Obozocare was just a ruse to set up socialized medicine & it was never meant to be successful. Frankly, our government can’t manage social security or Medicare/Medicaid so why would we want them running our healthcare? Bernie Sanders & his “one payer” socialized medicine is not a good choice for Americans so he can take a hike with his ridiculous ideas! We DO NOT want socialized medicine like Canada & the U.K. has, that’s why in the past many Canadian physicians came to the US to work.

  3. People just don’t get it. It’s not suppose to work, and the Democrats set it up that way for a reason. THINK PEOPLE, THINK. Some people are just too dense. They set up this system and made these outrageous claims. Yet, they made these enormously high premiums ($550 plus per month) and deductibles of $10,000 plus, which means they will be paying for healthcare out of pocket. The wealthy can afford premium healthcare plans and the poor get Medicaid and Medicare. Yet, the middle class will pay out-of-pocket plus forced to pay those high monthly premiums. We know the liberals hate, the middle class, we’re generally conservative, live in middle America, believe in a high power that isn’t Obama.

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