Here’s How Much Bernie Wants You To Pay For “Free” Healthcare

bernie sanders health care cost

Bernie Sanders and a cabal of far-left senators have banded together to promote his “Medicare for all” plan.

Even Democrats who portray Republicans as “heartless” for their countless Obamacare repeal attempts can’t pretend for a second that Obamacare is without many flaws. And in response to the problems the government created, apparently these geniuses think that even more government intervention in health care will fix those problems.

If you thought the problems the government created were bad, just wait until you see their solutions…

We reported earlier this month that there was a time, long ago, in a place far, far away when Bernie was intellectually honest about his Santa Claus policies. “If we expanded Medicaid [to] everybody. Give everybody a Medicaid card—we would be spending such an astronomical sum of money that, you know, we would bankrupt the nation,” he admitted back in 1987.

Even Bernie Sanders is aware that there’s no such thing as a free lunch! So how does he plan on paying for his proposed “Medicare for all” plan? Despite the fact that the proposed legislation has essentially a zero percent change of passing in either house of Congress (and would inevitably be vetoed by President Trump if it did), it’s a question worth answering simply because it should serve as a reminder of how fiscally untenable such a program is when it’s undoubtedly proposed sometime in the future.

As Americans for Tax Reform reported, Bernie is advocating to raise the top tax bracket to 52 percent to fund his socialized medicine plan – and that’s just for one freebie!

And of course, it’s not just the rich that the increased tax burden will fall on. Here’s the summary of how much “free” medicine would actually cost:

  • An income tax rate of 52%
  • Taxing ALL capital gains as ordinary income, meaning the current top capital gains rate of 23.8% would jump to 52%
  • Massive hike in the Death Tax
  • American families making as little as $28,900 per year will face a 2.2 percent tax on their income
  • A $630 billion tax hike aimed at employers, which will just end up hitting workers
  • Sanders also calls for more tax complexity and more tax brackets: 37%, 43%, 48% and of course the 52%

Not only will all those new taxes not fully pay for his plan, there are non-monetary costs of socialized medicine. The quality of care decreases, the supply of new individuals entering the medical field drops, pharmaceutical innovation declines, and much, much, more!

In other words, Bernie’s health care plan will make us all sick.

Share this with others to let them know Bernie’s health care plan would be a costly disaster!

1 thought on “Here’s How Much Bernie Wants You To Pay For “Free” Healthcare”

  1. Typical socialist crap & ridiculous ideas from old deranged Bernie! Go away Bernie, we didn’t want you for POTUS & we don’t care what you think or say! Move to Canada if you think socialized medicine is so great!

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