During a speech at the National Press Club on Friday, Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson absolutely destroyed the liberal media right on their home turf, saying reporters are about as trustworthy as “used car salesman.”
Carson pointed to several incidents in which the media cherry-picked comments he made, and then turned them into national conversations about his sanity – his comments about the Oregon shooting and the Voting Rights Act as examples.
“I gotta tell you guys, that’s why people don’t trust you anymore,” Carson boldly declared to reporters. “You’re down there with used car salesmen.”
His comments received applause!
He also explained to the media that they are “supposed to expose and inform the people in a non-partisan way.”
Because they do not, they’ve “distort(ed) the system as it was supposed to work” allowing liberals to “get away with all kinds of things.”
Via Louder With Crowder:
That Ben Carson’s so hot right now.
How hot?
Telling the media how much they suck to their faces… at the National Press Club.
“There is only one business in America that is protected by the Constitution, and that is the press. They were supposed to expose and inform the people in a non-partisan way. When they become partisan, which they are, they distort the system as it was supposed to work. And they allow the side that they pick to get away with all kinds of things.”
“This is the level of insincerity that we see and it really is kind of embarrassing to see that. Everything needs to be looked at in its context. And when news media pick one word or one phrase, and they run with it, and they try to characterize people like that. I gotta tell you guys, that’s why people don’t trust you anymore. You’re down there with used car salesmen.”
Used. Car. Salesman. He went there.
Here is video of Ben Carson’s statements to the media …
Comment: Which profession is more dishonest – used car salesmen or news media journalists?
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