Oh Look – Now Liberals Are Attacking Trump’s 10-Year-Old Son Barron

Barron Trump

In a surprise to absolutely nobody, liberal elites have taken their disdain for President-elect Donald Trump and used it to start attacking his 10-year-old son, Barron.

When Barack Obama was running for president in 2008, he stated emphatically that politicians’ families should be “off limits.”

That advice is no longer being heeded it seems, beginning with liberal Hollywood loon, Rosie O’Donnell, who is pushing stories that young Barron Trump is autistic.


Critics were quick to respond …


Via RedState:

There are so many things wrong with this entire subject that it’s difficult to even know where to begin.

The most important thing to remember here is that Barron Trump is a 10-year-old boy who did not ask to be in the spotlight, and that any medical or psychological diagnoses he has or doesn’t have are solely his family’s business. No one else’s.

Beyond that, how can one possibly diagnose autism from the examples in the video? They are all from public appearances in situations that would be stressful for any child. He’s a boy having to wear a suit for hours (any male RedState writer will tell you how tortuous that is) and he’s not gladhanding and smiling for the cameras like a politician would. Ooh, and on election night he was standing on stage falling asleep at 3 a.m. And your point is?

Further, what gives any of these people the right to speculate about someone else’s child? There has always been a tendency in society to virtually parent other people’s kids, but social media has taken it to a whole new disturbing level.

Can you imagine for just one second if anyone – ANYONE – had suggested that one of the Obama children were autistic? Would that person be employed anywhere in the United States right now?

Maybe ask former GOP staffer, Elizabeth Lauten, who was forced to resign amidst remarks that Malia and Sasha Obama had not dressed appropriately for an official Thanksgiving ceremony.

It’s only Democrats’ kids who are off limits it appears.

Barron Trump is fair game.

Just like Ted Cruz’ daughters. Mitt Romney’s grandson. Sarah Palin’s son. Palin’s daughter. George Bush’s daughters.

Well, you get the point.

It’s only funny and acceptable when liberals attack the children of those they disagree with ideologically.


Comment: Do you think Rosie O’Donnell’s attempts to label Barron Trump as autistic oversteps the bounds of decency? Share your thoughts below.

199 thoughts on “Oh Look – Now Liberals Are Attacking Trump’s 10-Year-Old Son Barron”

  1. Why not, they went after Sarah Palin’s DOWN syndrome Child..
    But suggest that Sasha and Malia are adopted (which they are) and they go bonkers..

  2. Why not, they went after Sarah Palin’s DOWN syndrome Child..
    But suggest that Sasha and Malia are adopted (which they are) and they go bonkers..

  3. Rosie O’Donnell is vindictive toward President-Elect Trump because he has publicly rebutted a criticism from Fox News Megyn Kelly for calling women fat and or ugly to which he quickly quipped “Only Rosie O’Donnell”! She hits below the belt to purposely insult Mr. Trump and to take a stab at Melania the mother of 10 year old Barron. Rosie the non-mother naturally speaking; targeting the real natural mother, jealousy perhaps? Same sex partnerships produce no natural offsprings!

  4. Sounds to me like Rosie is saying if he is it’s a good time to bring more awareness to the autism crisis in America. How soon u folks forget Rush making fun of Chelsea Clinton’s looks which is far harsher than suggesting more autism awareness.

  5. Such cruelty displayed by people in the US! Who spewed the rant about WAKE UP you Little….? I just jeard before writing these words???
    You, scum, should be ashamed of yourself! You’re a disgrace to the human race! PATHETIC,man!
    Leave him alone, is it any of your business????

  6. Why would anyone even talk to Rosie O’Butthole? she’s NEVER had an intelligent thought in her entire life! O’Butthole, why don’t you crawl back under the dung-heap you crawled out from? Has been!

  7. Hey mike, I think what Leila is saying is “what difference, at this point, does it make” when she is saying obama won’t be president anymore so maybe it won’t be a top story.

  8. I would like to ask Rosie exactly what her point is. Do her observations, correct or not, affect how good of a president Trump will be? If he’s got an autistic child, so what? Is there any lack of love being shown his son if he’s truly autistic? Anyone who really wants to understand autism should see the movie Temple Grandin. Its a true story, explains the life of an autistic child, and btw Temple Grandin is a professor at a college in Denver Colorado. So Rosie, what’s your point?

  9. I would like to ask Rosie exactly what her point is. Do her observations, correct or not, affect how good of a president Trump will be? If he’s got an autistic child, so what? Is there any lack of love being shown his son if he’s truly autistic? Anyone who really wants to understand autism should see the movie Temple Grandin. Its a true story, explains the life of an autistic child, and btw Temple Grandin is a professor at a college in Denver Colorado. So Rosie, what’s your point?

  10. You ma be right, but I doubt it. No matter how much parents try, their children sometimes go astray. If they do, President Obama will be out of office, so maybe it will not be a top story.

  11. It is outrageous that she would attack Donald Trumps son. It is also outrageous that she uses autism as an insult. There are a lot of bright beautiful children who have it. This is not the first time she has done this it needs to stop!

  12. It is outrageous that she would attack Donald Trumps son. It is also outrageous that she uses autism as an insult. There are a lot of bright beautiful children who have it. This is not the first time she has done this it needs to stop!

  13. I actually commented 3 times but none got through due to a Trojan virus this weak Acer craptop had-anyway after ditching a certain virus protection company-and going with a better one that can do the real job with limited megabits capacity-I can honestly say bad things about RoseBowl Blimp the Lesbo that will surely be next on the ellen degenerate show-how dare she make a statement about this fine young boy that may be shy and still getting used to being front page news unlike RoseBowl whom lines the bottom of the parakeets cage and may need a weight lifting team to haul her stiff bloaty blimp carcass when she kicks the bucket(extra-large bucket)and is in that jumbo casket filled with pork rinds

  14. Yet another example of a Clinton Supporter…. Apparently inciting burning national flags, vandalism and violence wasn’t good enough.

    I’d rather lick a urinal than see Clinton Supporters get away with meaningless law breaking protests, and slanderous comments.

  15. Yet another example of a Clinton Supporter…. Apparently inciting burning national flags, vandalism and violence wasn’t good enough.

    I’d rather lick a urinal than see Clinton Supporters get away with meaningless law breaking protests, and slanderous comments.

  16. Clicked on youtube to see the Rosie fiasco…..no wonder her wives divorced her!
    Anyway the Barron bullying gets worse as there is a long dissection of Barron’s eye movements and expressions and overall demeanor such as looking up at the ceiling or looking the other way before looking the same way as everyone else on the podium WHO.IS.AN.ADULT. and he’s TEN, trying to ‘prove’ he has autism.
    And yawning in the middle of the morning on his father’s victory dressed up in a suit buttoned to his chin instead of sleeping in his bed like other kids were was also reason that he is autistic.
    Donald Jr. has five of his own and they were nowhere on that stage, and neither were Ivanka’s, it was sleep time.
    Rosie shouldn’t be given the time of day, we are so sick’n’tired of her homosexuality sucking up all the air anyone else wants to breathe, and Twitter should remove the bestial nasty permanently.

  17. Clearly u have forgotten Rush Limbaugh making fun of Chelsea Clinton’s looks. ooops. How quickly u all forget the lies and misinformation u folks have been spewing for 8 years. Now it’s time for it all to come back and haunt u.

  18. Open about what?
    He’s a normal kid who gets sleepy buttoned up to his chin in dress clothes in the middle of the night.
    Get the maggots out of your system for bashing a 10 year old child.

  19. Open about what?
    He’s a normal kid who gets sleepy buttoned up to his chin in dress clothes in the middle of the night.
    Get the maggots out of your system for bashing a 10 year old child.

  20. I can’t imagine where u get ur info but Bess Truman lived in the White from start to finish. She served as her husband’s secretary and was known for often voicing her opinions.
    In every aspect of whatever professional or political position Harry Truman held, Bess Truman worked as his partner in both unsalaried and salaried jobs. Yes, she did dislike the DC lifestyle and the phoniness of it all. She was only in Missouri when her husband was there with her. U even contradicted ur own claim when u said “She would show up to host and that was it” So u got that wrong.

    Breitbart? …..”It’s reliable and prints the truth.”…. That to say the least is a stretch indeed. Or maybe ur a Nazi sympathizer, or u just have no clue. Either way Breitbart does not print the truth.

    Do u not remember when Rush and others made fun of Amy Carter and Chelsea Clinton’s looks. ooops.

  21. I can’t imagine where u get ur info but Bess Truman lived in the White from start to finish. She served as her husband’s secretary and was known for often voicing her opinions.
    In every aspect of whatever professional or political position Harry Truman held, Bess Truman worked as his partner in both unsalaried and salaried jobs. Yes, she did dislike the DC lifestyle and the phoniness of it all. She was only in Missouri when her husband was there with her. U even contradicted ur own claim when u said “She would show up to host and that was it” So u got that wrong.

    Breitbart? …..”It’s reliable and prints the truth.”…. That to say the least is a stretch indeed. Or maybe ur a Nazi sympathizer, or u just have no clue. Either way Breitbart does not print the truth.

    Do u not remember when Rush and others made fun of Amy Carter and Chelsea Clinton’s looks. ooops.

  22. Bess Truman despises the snooty Washington society and made no bones about it that she would not be in their midst and stayed in Missouri while Harry conducted the presidency in the white house.
    She would show up to host and that was it.
    Melania did say she and Barron would stay at the Tower until school was out but the liberal Mock Media didn’t want to hear it b/c they couldn’t make a big deal of it and far as this poster knows still hasn’t printed the truth, but News Media Breitbart did b/c it’s reliable and prints the truth.

  23. Yes, liberals never have their families attacked by conservatives. Except Amy Carter (“ugly”), Chelsea Clinton (“ugly” and “crooked”), Sasha and Maila (“pot smoking” “slutty dressers”and “not his real daughters”). Does Bill count as a family member…? I think I recall some criticism.

    If Michelle Obama had refused to move into the White House, what would the conservatives have said?

    Barron does appear to a bit maladjusted and odd (poor kid- son of a billionaire!. Maybe he’s in “special” classes at his private school…and that’s why Melania won’t move to D.C.? BTW- If Melania was a Democrat, she’d be called an un-American foreigner and a spy.

  24. Yes, liberals never have their families attacked by conservatives. Except Amy Carter (“ugly”), Chelsea Clinton (“ugly” and “crooked”), Sasha and Maila (“pot smoking” “slutty dressers”and “not his real daughters”). Does Bill count as a family member…? I think I recall some criticism.

    If Michelle Obama had refused to move into the White House, what would the conservatives have said?

    Barron does appear to a bit maladjusted and odd (poor kid- son of a billionaire!. Maybe he’s in “special” classes at his private school…and that’s why Melania won’t move to D.C.? BTW- If Melania was a Democrat, she’d be called an un-American foreigner and a spy.

  25. I thought this piece of animal DNA waste “Hagette ” was moving out of the country ?? Since it is a given that “Rosie” is fat slob , what better way to get her to be a spokesperson for Obesity ?? I mean she is so fat , her grade school yearbook picture had to be shot by the “Google Earth” satellite !!

  26. My thought is…Smelly O’Donnell, is a cow/pig//wilder beast/turd, that should have her own stall.She should be sued for making a harmful medical prognosis, without medical training, or licensed to practice, as a physician. But more so, her field of expertise would be more in line with a veterinarian, when considering, she is a cow/pig//wilder beast/turd,

  27. My thought is…Smelly O’Donnell, is a cow/pig//wilder beast/turd, that should have her own stall.She should be sued for making a harmful medical prognosis, without medical training, or licensed to practice, as a physician. But more so, her field of expertise would be more in line with a veterinarian, when considering, she is a cow/pig//wilder beast/turd,

  28. Make certain you tweet vile rosie , this is none of her business, none of our business. If she wants to abuse someone let her abuse other adults, we can handle it.

  29. Does that include Fox news and Rush when they went after Amy Carter and Chelsea Clinton’s looks?

    U folks must remember one thing before u speak – Everything u now accuse the Dems of, examples can easily be found where u were much worse towards the Carter’s, Clinton’s and Obama’s. So tread lightly because every time u will be easily proven a hypocrite; made fools. What’s the saying, … what goes around comes around?

  30. Does that include Fox news and Rush when they went after Amy Carter and Chelsea Clinton’s looks?

    U folks must remember one thing before u speak – Everything u now accuse the Dems of, examples can easily be found where u were much worse towards the Carter’s, Clinton’s and Obama’s. So tread lightly because every time u will be easily proven a hypocrite; made fools. What’s the saying, … what goes around comes around?

  31. I guess you missed the advice in the youtube video description.
    “Donald Trump’s youngest son Barron Trump might be autistic, and it’s time for people to stop bullying him for his “strange” behavior. Let’s follow Melania Trump and #StopTheBullying.”

  32. I guess you missed the advice in the youtube video description.
    “Donald Trump’s youngest son Barron Trump might be autistic, and it’s time for people to stop bullying him for his “strange” behavior. Let’s follow Melania Trump and #StopTheBullying.”

  33. Liberals are the low life of society, they are cowards unable to handle disappointments and when they attack they attack without impunity. they have nothing else to pick on so they attack a ten year boy without any fact just on he whim of a fat disgusting pig Rosie fat slob McDonnell. she is so disgusting that it makes feces smell and look good.

  34. What if his is autistic? What if he isn’t? What does that have to do with Donald or running the country? And if Political Insider finds it so distasteful that liberals are “attacking” Barron, why do they post the video….You are sounding like the old neighborhood gossip who lived next door while I was growing up. I find my grocery list more important!

  35. I guess we all missed the advice in the youtube video description.
    “Donald Trump’s youngest son Barron Trump might be autistic, and it’s time for people to stop bullying him for his “strange” behavior. Let’s follow Melania Trump and #StopTheBullying.”

  36. I guess we all missed the advice in the youtube video description.
    “Donald Trump’s youngest son Barron Trump might be autistic, and it’s time for people to stop bullying him for his “strange” behavior. Let’s follow Melania Trump and #StopTheBullying.”

  37. Absolutely absurd and disrespectful. #Boycott Rosie O’Donnell and write her TV channel to have her show cancelled immediately. She should be banned from television permanently.

  38. rosie o’donnell is no longer viable ass celeberty. she has become a person of pure hate. i think she should get mental health care and find a new place to live. oh anf stfu

  39. rosie o’donnell is no longer viable ass celeberty. she has become a person of pure hate. i think she should get mental health care and find a new place to live. oh anf stfu

  40. rosie is a disgusting lard ass hog and a no talent bum and why she is celeb is beyond me but i wish she;d take her fat worthless carcass out of the country like she said she would along with the holly wood elite .

  41. rosie is a disgusting lard ass hog and a no talent bum and why she is celeb is beyond me but i wish she;d take her fat worthless carcass out of the country like she said she would along with the holly wood elite .

  42. Rosie is a fat pig. Her daugther left her and ran away. Rosie is in no position to give her stupid impression of Baron. He is such a nice looking boy, Loves wearing suits like his dad. Where does that fat pig get off picking on that young man. We all know she hates Donald…and GUESS WHAT ROSIE POSIE PIGGY NOSY…MR. TRUMP WILL BE YOUR PRESIDENT WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT…LEAVE HIS FAMILY ALONE…LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE…WE ALL THOUGHT YOU WERE LEAVING..WHY THE H— ARE YOU STILL HERE.. NO ONE LIKES YOU..SO GO…

  43. You know what she needs……well, you know where she got that hair on her upper lip. What a low class piece of crap. Hey, tubby, I thought you were going to leave the country if The Donald got elected. Pack your suitcase (especially with your toys–I think her vibrator must be a jackhammer) and leave dirt bag. You know what her many “marriages” are like–there’s the hunt, the pickup, the proposal, the wedding, the honeymoon—then lickity split and it’s over.

  44. The people cannot attack the Oblama daughter for fear of being called racist.. Well I don’t give a damn, call me a racist… SHOW ME A BIRTH CERTIFICATE ON OBLAMA AND HIS DAUGHTERS. thank you.
    Oh the fact that Oblamas father was never a citizen of the United States makes him not eligible for the office of our president.. LOL.. Oblama is an illegal president. Same as he is an illegal alien of the United States.

  45. The people cannot attack the Oblama daughter for fear of being called racist.. Well I don’t give a damn, call me a racist… SHOW ME A BIRTH CERTIFICATE ON OBLAMA AND HIS DAUGHTERS. thank you.
    Oh the fact that Oblamas father was never a citizen of the United States makes him not eligible for the office of our president.. LOL.. Oblama is an illegal president. Same as he is an illegal alien of the United States.

  46. Rosie’s very existence oversteps the bounds of decency. How she ever came to national prominence and made a ton of money is beyond my comprehension. She should shut up and go away — like she said she would do if Trump were elected!

  47. Rosie’s very existence oversteps the bounds of decency. How she ever came to national prominence and made a ton of money is beyond my comprehension. She should shut up and go away — like she said she would do if Trump were elected!

  48. rosie is the ugliest POS on the networks and only say’s things like this to get her name in print!!!! as she can’t do it any other way she is so ugly that her dog won’t even play with her even with the steak around her neck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  49. rosie is the ugliest POS on the networks and only say’s things like this to get her name in print!!!! as she can’t do it any other way she is so ugly that her dog won’t even play with her even with the steak around her neck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  50. How low to go after a 10 year old. So what if he is Autistic. If Trump wants the world to know he will tell the world otherwise its a personal family matter. There are millions of kids with some form of autism. I personally think GMO’s and the newest vaccines have something to do with it but that’s another topic. Leave the kid alone either way. At 3 am every child raised right would be falling asleep being its 6 hours past their normal bedtime, Then again maybe these liberal fools let their kids stay up all night….. Geezz the left who says they are so caring are the worst.

  51. There are simply no words! All we can do is boycott these people. Maybe a hit on their career and income will teach them some manners. Rosie O’Donnell has no hope of that, I fear!

  52. There are simply no words! All we can do is boycott these people. Maybe a hit on their career and income will teach them some manners. Rosie O’Donnell has no hope of that, I fear!

  53. Rosie O’Donnell’s very existence oversteps the bounds of decency and even morality. I would much rather of a son or daughter who is autistic then to have them be gay or lesbian. And, NO, I do not and will not apologize for I stated. I do not believe in, support or accept political correctness, nor do I believe in apologizing for the TRUTH.

  54. Trump was right about 2 things Rosie is a disgusting vile fat pig and Hillary Clinton is a lying Criminal The Democrats have shown they have No Moral Values what classless A sshole parasites

  55. Trump was right about 2 things Rosie is a disgusting vile fat pig and Hillary Clinton is a lying Criminal The Democrats have shown they have No Moral Values what classless A sshole parasites

  56. That disgusting cow should be gone by now……she was one of the first to say she was leaving, and attacking that young man, true or not, is about as low as a snake’s belly. She should burn in hell!

  57. That disgusting cow should be gone by now……she was one of the first to say she was leaving, and attacking that young man, true or not, is about as low as a snake’s belly. She should burn in hell!

  58. they are also signs of a young man full of energy who would rather be somewhere else. How many of us have been among a bunch of old people and expected to mind your manners. Having a niece with autism I do know they dont interact and don’t make eye contact. Even mild cases will exhibit this. I saw none of this with this young man. I do notice ailments exhibited by such as Odonald. it has the major signs of savier mental health problems. She hasn’t had a constructive relationship with ether man or woman. this woman is to be pitied for she tries to elevate herself by tearing others down without evidence of substance. In desperation she tries drawing attention to herself to halt her downward slide to join all the other has bins without talent and forgotten. We see the same desperation with the democrats who cannot perform and serve the people who put their trust in their abilities only to deliver disappointment. The tragic ending for the democrats who have failed and nearly destroyed our nation can only strike out in defense of policies that have been regurgitated from the failing collective mind All their meager efforts will be to no avail for the people have seen them for what they are.

  59. Oh look- Conservative media is (again) reporting on what the Liberals are saying. WHO CARES? No one would even know if Conservatives didn’t report it. Liberals are irrelevant, stop giving them attention. Trump can defend himself.

  60. Oh look- Conservative media is (again) reporting on what the Liberals are saying. WHO CARES? No one would even know if Conservatives didn’t report it. Liberals are irrelevant, stop giving them attention. Trump can defend himself.

  61. Of course it doesn’t overstep the bounds of decency. The definition of decency is constantly redefined and under the current definition, the attack on Trump’s son is just fine. bill clinton said it best when he said: “It depends on what the meaning of “is” is”.

    This doesn’t mean I agree with the attacks in any way, shape, or form.

  62. Of course it doesn’t overstep the bounds of decency. The definition of decency is constantly redefined and under the current definition, the attack on Trump’s son is just fine. bill clinton said it best when he said: “It depends on what the meaning of “is” is”.

    This doesn’t mean I agree with the attacks in any way, shape, or form.

  63. I have been around for 72 years and I have yet to see any Democrat with morals. The Democrats have always support and fought for what ever is immoral, unethical and illegal. A Democrat with morals is as non-existent as a moderate Muslim.

  64. Hard to believe how anyone would do such a thing. You are a miserable piece of garbage. Hope you have to pay the price for your disgusting remarks.

  65. Contrary to your headline, this doesn’t appear to be an attack on Barron Trump. Any parent, teacher, close friend or practitioner familiar with Autism sees the symptoms immediately. I saw his vacant behavior when Barron was on the podium with his parents amd suspected that he was autistic. This is a syndrome that doesn’t respect wealth, title or any other status. As to “attack,” making a statement of fact or susicion of a condidtion does not automatically mean that it is an attack. I gave “thanksgiving” that Donald Trump was elected president and my relief or admiration extends to his family, too. I hope Barron is not autistic, but if he is, then I know the problems his parents — and he — face. If the leftist pig O’Donnell mentioned it in a nasty way, then castigate her for it. Saying that it is an opportunity to bring attention to autism is not an attack.

  66. Contrary to your headline, this doesn’t appear to be an attack on Barron Trump. Any parent, teacher, close friend or practitioner familiar with Autism sees the symptoms immediately. I saw his vacant behavior when Barron was on the podium with his parents amd suspected that he was autistic. This is a syndrome that doesn’t respect wealth, title or any other status. As to “attack,” making a statement of fact or susicion of a condidtion does not automatically mean that it is an attack. I gave “thanksgiving” that Donald Trump was elected president and my relief or admiration extends to his family, too. I hope Barron is not autistic, but if he is, then I know the problems his parents — and he — face. If the leftist pig O’Donnell mentioned it in a nasty way, then castigate her for it. Saying that it is an opportunity to bring attention to autism is not an attack.

  67. “Beyond that, how can one possibly diagnose autism from the examples in the video?”

    Just by her video alone, I can diagnose that Rosie O’Donnell is a fat pig.

  68. Rosie O’Donnell is vindictive toward President-Elect Trump because he has publicly rebutted a criticism from Fox News Megyn Kelly for calling women fat and or ugly to which he quickly quipped “Only Rosie O’Donnell”! She hits below the belt to purposely insult Mr. Trump and to take a stab at Melania the mother of 10 year old Barron. Rosie the non-mother naturally speaking; targeting the real natural mother, jealousy perhaps? Same sex partnerships produce no natural offsprings!

  69. Sounds to me like Rosie is saying if he is it’s a good time to bring more awareness to the autism crisis in America. How soon u folks forget Rush making fun of Chelsea Clinton’s looks which is far harsher than suggesting more autism awareness.

  70. Such cruelty displayed by people in the US! Who spewed the rant about WAKE UP you Little….? I just jeard before writing these words???
    You, scum, should be ashamed of yourself! You’re a disgrace to the human race! PATHETIC,man!
    Leave him alone, is it any of your business????

  71. Why would anyone even talk to Rosie O’Butthole? she’s NEVER had an intelligent thought in her entire life! O’Butthole, why don’t you crawl back under the dung-heap you crawled out from? Has been!

  72. Hey mike, I think what Leila is saying is “what difference, at this point, does it make” when she is saying obama won’t be president anymore so maybe it won’t be a top story.

  73. I would like to ask Rosie exactly what her point is. Do her observations, correct or not, affect how good of a president Trump will be? If he’s got an autistic child, so what? Is there any lack of love being shown his son if he’s truly autistic? Anyone who really wants to understand autism should see the movie Temple Grandin. Its a true story, explains the life of an autistic child, and btw Temple Grandin is a professor at a college in Denver Colorado. So Rosie, what’s your point?

    1. You ma be right, but I doubt it. No matter how much parents try, their children sometimes go astray. If they do, President Obama will be out of office, so maybe it will not be a top story.

  74. It is outrageous that she would attack Donald Trumps son. It is also outrageous that she uses autism as an insult. There are a lot of bright beautiful children who have it. This is not the first time she has done this it needs to stop!

  75. I actually commented 3 times but none got through due to a Trojan virus this weak Acer craptop had-anyway after ditching a certain virus protection company-and going with a better one that can do the real job with limited megabits capacity-I can honestly say bad things about RoseBowl Blimp the Lesbo that will surely be next on the ellen degenerate show-how dare she make a statement about this fine young boy that may be shy and still getting used to being front page news unlike RoseBowl whom lines the bottom of the parakeets cage and may need a weight lifting team to haul her stiff bloaty blimp carcass when she kicks the bucket(extra-large bucket)and is in that jumbo casket filled with pork rinds

  76. Yet another example of a Clinton Supporter…. Apparently inciting burning national flags, vandalism and violence wasn’t good enough.

    I’d rather lick a urinal than see Clinton Supporters get away with meaningless law breaking protests, and slanderous comments.

  77. Clicked on youtube to see the Rosie fiasco…..no wonder her wives divorced her!
    Anyway the Barron bullying gets worse as there is a long dissection of Barron’s eye movements and expressions and overall demeanor such as looking up at the ceiling or looking the other way before looking the same way as everyone else on the podium WHO.IS.AN.ADULT. and he’s TEN, trying to ‘prove’ he has autism.
    And yawning in the middle of the morning on his father’s victory dressed up in a suit buttoned to his chin instead of sleeping in his bed like other kids were was also reason that he is autistic.
    Donald Jr. has five of his own and they were nowhere on that stage, and neither were Ivanka’s, it was sleep time.
    Rosie shouldn’t be given the time of day, we are so sick’n’tired of her homosexuality sucking up all the air anyone else wants to breathe, and Twitter should remove the bestial nasty permanently.

    1. Open about what?
      He’s a normal kid who gets sleepy buttoned up to his chin in dress clothes in the middle of the night.
      Get the maggots out of your system for bashing a 10 year old child.

      1. Clearly u have forgotten Rush Limbaugh making fun of Chelsea Clinton’s looks. ooops. How quickly u all forget the lies and misinformation u folks have been spewing for 8 years. Now it’s time for it all to come back and haunt u.

  78. Yes, liberals never have their families attacked by conservatives. Except Amy Carter (“ugly”), Chelsea Clinton (“ugly” and “crooked”), Sasha and Maila (“pot smoking” “slutty dressers”and “not his real daughters”). Does Bill count as a family member…? I think I recall some criticism.

    If Michelle Obama had refused to move into the White House, what would the conservatives have said?

    Barron does appear to a bit maladjusted and odd (poor kid- son of a billionaire!. Maybe he’s in “special” classes at his private school…and that’s why Melania won’t move to D.C.? BTW- If Melania was a Democrat, she’d be called an un-American foreigner and a spy.

    1. Bess Truman despises the snooty Washington society and made no bones about it that she would not be in their midst and stayed in Missouri while Harry conducted the presidency in the white house.
      She would show up to host and that was it.
      Melania did say she and Barron would stay at the Tower until school was out but the liberal Mock Media didn’t want to hear it b/c they couldn’t make a big deal of it and far as this poster knows still hasn’t printed the truth, but News Media Breitbart did b/c it’s reliable and prints the truth.

      1. I can’t imagine where u get ur info but Bess Truman lived in the White from start to finish. She served as her husband’s secretary and was known for often voicing her opinions.
        In every aspect of whatever professional or political position Harry Truman held, Bess Truman worked as his partner in both unsalaried and salaried jobs. Yes, she did dislike the DC lifestyle and the phoniness of it all. She was only in Missouri when her husband was there with her. U even contradicted ur own claim when u said “She would show up to host and that was it” So u got that wrong.

        Breitbart? …..”It’s reliable and prints the truth.”…. That to say the least is a stretch indeed. Or maybe ur a Nazi sympathizer, or u just have no clue. Either way Breitbart does not print the truth.

        Do u not remember when Rush and others made fun of Amy Carter and Chelsea Clinton’s looks. ooops.

  79. I thought this piece of animal DNA waste “Hagette ” was moving out of the country ?? Since it is a given that “Rosie” is fat slob , what better way to get her to be a spokesperson for Obesity ?? I mean she is so fat , her grade school yearbook picture had to be shot by the “Google Earth” satellite !!

  80. My thought is…Smelly O’Donnell, is a cow/pig//wilder beast/turd, that should have her own stall.She should be sued for making a harmful medical prognosis, without medical training, or licensed to practice, as a physician. But more so, her field of expertise would be more in line with a veterinarian, when considering, she is a cow/pig//wilder beast/turd,

    1. Does that include Fox news and Rush when they went after Amy Carter and Chelsea Clinton’s looks?

      U folks must remember one thing before u speak – Everything u now accuse the Dems of, examples can easily be found where u were much worse towards the Carter’s, Clinton’s and Obama’s. So tread lightly because every time u will be easily proven a hypocrite; made fools. What’s the saying, … what goes around comes around?

  81. Liberals are the low life of society, they are cowards unable to handle disappointments and when they attack they attack without impunity. they have nothing else to pick on so they attack a ten year boy without any fact just on he whim of a fat disgusting pig Rosie fat slob McDonnell. she is so disgusting that it makes feces smell and look good.

    1. I guess you missed the advice in the youtube video description.
      “Donald Trump’s youngest son Barron Trump might be autistic, and it’s time for people to stop bullying him for his “strange” behavior. Let’s follow Melania Trump and #StopTheBullying.”

  82. What if his is autistic? What if he isn’t? What does that have to do with Donald or running the country? And if Political Insider finds it so distasteful that liberals are “attacking” Barron, why do they post the video….You are sounding like the old neighborhood gossip who lived next door while I was growing up. I find my grocery list more important!

  83. I guess we all missed the advice in the youtube video description.
    “Donald Trump’s youngest son Barron Trump might be autistic, and it’s time for people to stop bullying him for his “strange” behavior. Let’s follow Melania Trump and #StopTheBullying.”

  84. rosie o’donnell is no longer viable ass celeberty. she has become a person of pure hate. i think she should get mental health care and find a new place to live. oh anf stfu

  85. rosie is a disgusting lard ass hog and a no talent bum and why she is celeb is beyond me but i wish she;d take her fat worthless carcass out of the country like she said she would along with the holly wood elite .

  86. Rosie is a fat pig. Her daugther left her and ran away. Rosie is in no position to give her stupid impression of Baron. He is such a nice looking boy, Loves wearing suits like his dad. Where does that fat pig get off picking on that young man. We all know she hates Donald…and GUESS WHAT ROSIE POSIE PIGGY NOSY…MR. TRUMP WILL BE YOUR PRESIDENT WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT…LEAVE HIS FAMILY ALONE…LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE…WE ALL THOUGHT YOU WERE LEAVING..WHY THE H— ARE YOU STILL HERE.. NO ONE LIKES YOU..SO GO…

  87. You know what she needs……well, you know where she got that hair on her upper lip. What a low class piece of crap. Hey, tubby, I thought you were going to leave the country if The Donald got elected. Pack your suitcase (especially with your toys–I think her vibrator must be a jackhammer) and leave dirt bag. You know what her many “marriages” are like–there’s the hunt, the pickup, the proposal, the wedding, the honeymoon—then lickity split and it’s over.

  88. The people cannot attack the Oblama daughter for fear of being called racist.. Well I don’t give a damn, call me a racist… SHOW ME A BIRTH CERTIFICATE ON OBLAMA AND HIS DAUGHTERS. thank you.
    Oh the fact that Oblamas father was never a citizen of the United States makes him not eligible for the office of our president.. LOL.. Oblama is an illegal president. Same as he is an illegal alien of the United States.

  89. Rosie’s very existence oversteps the bounds of decency. How she ever came to national prominence and made a ton of money is beyond my comprehension. She should shut up and go away — like she said she would do if Trump were elected!

  90. rosie is the ugliest POS on the networks and only say’s things like this to get her name in print!!!! as she can’t do it any other way she is so ugly that her dog won’t even play with her even with the steak around her neck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  91. How low to go after a 10 year old. So what if he is Autistic. If Trump wants the world to know he will tell the world otherwise its a personal family matter. There are millions of kids with some form of autism. I personally think GMO’s and the newest vaccines have something to do with it but that’s another topic. Leave the kid alone either way. At 3 am every child raised right would be falling asleep being its 6 hours past their normal bedtime, Then again maybe these liberal fools let their kids stay up all night….. Geezz the left who says they are so caring are the worst.

  92. There are simply no words! All we can do is boycott these people. Maybe a hit on their career and income will teach them some manners. Rosie O’Donnell has no hope of that, I fear!

  93. Rosie O’Donnell’s very existence oversteps the bounds of decency and even morality. I would much rather of a son or daughter who is autistic then to have them be gay or lesbian. And, NO, I do not and will not apologize for I stated. I do not believe in, support or accept political correctness, nor do I believe in apologizing for the TRUTH.

  94. That disgusting cow should be gone by now……she was one of the first to say she was leaving, and attacking that young man, true or not, is about as low as a snake’s belly. She should burn in hell!

  95. they are also signs of a young man full of energy who would rather be somewhere else. How many of us have been among a bunch of old people and expected to mind your manners. Having a niece with autism I do know they dont interact and don’t make eye contact. Even mild cases will exhibit this. I saw none of this with this young man. I do notice ailments exhibited by such as Odonald. it has the major signs of savier mental health problems. She hasn’t had a constructive relationship with ether man or woman. this woman is to be pitied for she tries to elevate herself by tearing others down without evidence of substance. In desperation she tries drawing attention to herself to halt her downward slide to join all the other has bins without talent and forgotten. We see the same desperation with the democrats who cannot perform and serve the people who put their trust in their abilities only to deliver disappointment. The tragic ending for the democrats who have failed and nearly destroyed our nation can only strike out in defense of policies that have been regurgitated from the failing collective mind All their meager efforts will be to no avail for the people have seen them for what they are.

  96. Oh look- Conservative media is (again) reporting on what the Liberals are saying. WHO CARES? No one would even know if Conservatives didn’t report it. Liberals are irrelevant, stop giving them attention. Trump can defend himself.

  97. Of course it doesn’t overstep the bounds of decency. The definition of decency is constantly redefined and under the current definition, the attack on Trump’s son is just fine. bill clinton said it best when he said: “It depends on what the meaning of “is” is”.

    This doesn’t mean I agree with the attacks in any way, shape, or form.

    1. I have been around for 72 years and I have yet to see any Democrat with morals. The Democrats have always support and fought for what ever is immoral, unethical and illegal. A Democrat with morals is as non-existent as a moderate Muslim.

  98. Contrary to your headline, this doesn’t appear to be an attack on Barron Trump. Any parent, teacher, close friend or practitioner familiar with Autism sees the symptoms immediately. I saw his vacant behavior when Barron was on the podium with his parents amd suspected that he was autistic. This is a syndrome that doesn’t respect wealth, title or any other status. As to “attack,” making a statement of fact or susicion of a condidtion does not automatically mean that it is an attack. I gave “thanksgiving” that Donald Trump was elected president and my relief or admiration extends to his family, too. I hope Barron is not autistic, but if he is, then I know the problems his parents — and he — face. If the leftist pig O’Donnell mentioned it in a nasty way, then castigate her for it. Saying that it is an opportunity to bring attention to autism is not an attack.

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