As The Left Attacked America’s Heritage, Trump Demanded ‘Patriotic Education’ For U.S. Students

As The Left Attacked America's Heritage, Trump Demanded 'Patriotic Education' For U.S. Students

A few months before the 2020 presidential election, the left was full swing in attacking America’s history and institutions, including education, where Critical Race Theory curriculum continues to cause controversy.

This was also the summer of protests and riots over the issue of police brutality.

But in August, then President Donald Trump had a solution. He called for a “patriotic education” in schools as a way to calm unrest in cities and counter “lies” about racism in the United States.

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Trump: ‘Many Young Americans Have Been Fed Lies About America’

At a news conference, Trump said, “Many young Americans have been fed lies about America being a wicked nation plagued by racism.”

Referring to the recently held Democratic National Convention, Trump added, “Indeed, Joe Biden and his party spent their entire convention spreading this hateful and destructive message while refusing to say one word about the violence.”

Trump said that he believed that children must be taught that America is “an exceptional, free and just nation, worth defending, preserving and protecting.”

According to Trump, this burden was on Republicans alone because Democratic leaders could not control its “radical left, crazy movement.”

Trump Wanted To Implement ‘Patriotic Education In Our Nation’s Schools’

“The only path to unity is to rebuild a shared national identity focused on common American values and virtues of which we have plenty,” Trump said.

He insisted, “This includes restoring patriotic education in our nation’s schools, where they are trying to change everything that we have learned.”

Though most education decisions are decided at the state level and Trump did not win re-election, a second term might have seen his “patriotic education” idea come to fruition. 

Especially after President Joe Biden disbanded Trump’s 1776 Project commission, which was created to instill patriotism in American students.

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Biden responded to Trump in August 2020, “I urge the President to join me in saying that while peaceful protest is a right — a necessity — violence is wrong, period.”

“No matter who does it, no matter what political affiliation they have. Period,” Biden said in a statement.

“If Donald Trump can’t say that, then he is unfit to be President, and his preference for more violence — not less — is clear,” Biden finished.

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