Army Vet Becomes Legally Male Again

Jamie Shupe had himself declared gender neutral. He says it was a mistake.

By David Kamioner | January 8, 2020

When most people want something back from the store they go to the returns department. But it wasn’t that easy for Jamie Shupe. He wanted his gender back.

It started in 2016 when the U.S. Army veteran decided he wanted to be “non-binary” (no sexual classification). A year later a judge in Oregon gave him that legal designation. Could Shupe alter his biological sex to non-binary? Of course not. Was he still a man? Yes.

But could a courtroom in Oregon, and a judge who had a “transgender” kid, let him have his fiction and legally play along as well?

It’s what happens on the West Coast.

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It was the first time it had happened in the U.S. and the Left went mad with glowing praise. Just one problem. After he went full non-binary, Shupe hated it. He eventually thought it all was a big mistake.

So this last Christmas Eve another Oregon judge legally gave him back his gender, returned his name to James Shupe (his non-binary name is not noted), and put his actual gender throughout the ordeal back on his driver’s license.

He told the Star Banner, “The mental health system just rubber stamps you with gender dysphoria (discontent with a person’s assigned gender) and they don’t look at the underlying behavior. Educating myself about why I was doing the things I was doing was key to being able to make peace with it and allow me to get back to reality.”

Shupe warns other who have trod down his unfortunate prior path, “My case is still being used in non-binary gender lawsuits. I want people to know that I don’t agree with that anymore. My hope is by making my story public, I can help reverse what I helped unleash,” he said to the paper.

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He told CBN last March, that medical personnel “ignored that I have chronic post-traumatic stress disorder, having previously served in the military for almost 18 years. All of my doctors agree on that. Others believe that I have bipolar disorder and possibly borderline personality disorder…”That would have protected me from my inclination to cross-dress and my risky sexual transgressions, of which there were many. Instead, quacks in the medical community hid me in the women’s bathroom with people’s wives and daughters. ‘Your gender identity is female,’ these alleged professionals said.”

Jamie Shupe is only one of an untold number of victims of this specific kind of PC madness. Thankfully he realized his mistake and is trying to help others stay out of the personal abyss he suffered through.

This piece originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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