AOC Releases Short Film on the Green New Deal and It’s As Crazy as You’d Imagine

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in conjunction with The Intercept, released and narrated a short film extolling the virtues of the Green New Deal, reminding viewers that the world will end in 12 years, and comparing the fight against climate change to World War II.

In other words, it’s as bats*** crazy as you might imagine.

Aside from the particulars, the film – which clocks in at just over seven minutes – expresses one consistent theme; the world can only be saved if everyone listens to the former bartender from New York.

While the Earth-saving catalyst was Ocasio-Cortez according to the film, she admits she can’t so it alone, envisioning a utopia that’s only possible if Democrats win the Senate and the White House in 2020.

The U.S., under Ocasio-Cortez’ leadership, supposedly “kicked off our social and ecological transformation to save the planet.”

World War II

And the seriousness of global warming – you guys! – is akin to the Great Depression and World War II.

“Lots of people gave up. They said we were doomed,” she spoke as if from the future. “But some of us remembered as a nation we’d been in peril before. The Great Depression, World War II. We knew from our history how to pull together to overcome impossible odds and at the very least we owed it to our children to try.”

“The wave began when Democrats took back the house in 2018,” Ocasio-Cortez bragged, “and then the Senate and the White House in 2020 and launched the decade of the Green New Deal.”

World War II comparisons are a constant theme with the Democrat socialist.

In October of this past year, she compared climate change to Nazi Germany in a call for more radical environmental efforts in the United States.

“So we talk about existential threats, the last time we had a really major existential threat to this country was around World War II,” Ocasio-Cortez told a crowd of supporters. “And so we’ve been here before and we have a blueprint of doing this before.”

More Craziness

Aside from the eerie tone of happiness and utopia in a film trying to sell an authoritarian government dream, the “Art of the Green New Deal,” as the film is titled, contains other tidbits of insanity.

Ocasio-Cortez reiterates the plan to retrofit every building in America. She reminds everyone that we only have 12 years to “change everything.”

She promotes Medicare for All and “public option guarantee” for jobs.

The illustrations include images of windmills on the front lawn of the White House, and depicts a scenario in which Miami is hit by a hurricane in the near future, submerging the city “underwater for the last time.”

In other words, it’s everything you’d expect from the far-left disaster that somehow managed to convince Democrats she was the future of their party.

39 thoughts on “AOC Releases Short Film on the Green New Deal and It’s As Crazy as You’d Imagine”

  1. To be so full of oneself and think you have all the answers at such a young (and ill-informed) age is truly disturbing. God help us if she ever gets any more power than she has right now. She has way too much as it is and is undoubtedly being propped up by George Soros or the like. Can someone please take that devil Soros out all ready!?

  2. This woman is eat up with DUMBA**, and what’s even scarier is there are people out there that are even stupider than she is”Her Supporters, The current Collage student body’s, and any and all Democrats.

  3. This looks like a tampered graphic! The 1930’s were warmer than depicted, 1940-1975 were cooler than depicted. There should be a temperature plateau beginning at 1998 to 2016 and a declining trend from 2016 to present. So, this Berkley Temperature chart has been ‘massaged’ for Political purposes and does not reflect actual climatology observations. This is garbage science! Most climatologist place the end of the Maunder Minimum at 1850. From 1850 to 1998 the trend was definitively natural Sun Cycle ‘Global Warming.’ We can say 2016 is the beginning of our next Solar Minimum.
    NOBODY and NO COMPUTER modeling can 100% accurately predict how Warm or Cool earth will become or for how long. Fact: The UN climate model has proven to be 600% wrong!
    We could be in for a short (10-20 year) cooling period or possibly longer period (100-400 year) cooling cycle. Big picture however, we are at the end of the Holocene ‘Interglacial’ period and we can look forward to the next 100,000+/- year ‘Glacial’ period.

  4. We need to tell AOC if we don’t follow her stupid theory and the world is still around in 12 years we will deport her to the biggest hell hole of the day.

  5. I wonder if she realizes she must face the voters again in 2020? I also wonder if she can fool them again? To quote Archie, “What a dipstick!”

  6. The Democratic party is becoming synonymous with weak and shallow thinking. That movie “Idiocracy” is disturbingly looking prophetic. We may only have 12 years, but that is only because of the steep decline in the liberal intellect that will result in civil war. Here’s your zombie apocalypse, people. A bunch of mindless followers following simpleton politicians with elementary school understanding of the issues of the day.

  7. Randolph H. Hemmerle

    Anyone stupid enough to believe this propaganda, probably believes that “Star Wars” was also true. Now I know what AOC’s problem really is, she is completely void of the reality that she lives in, but would make a much better fiction writer than she does a Congresswoman, where she is dangerous for the USA and it’s people.

  8. Ya think? What gave it away? Her batsh*t crazy smiley face? Her soulless eyes? Just another product of “fake” higher education, which has given us almost an entire generation composed of “stupid as dirt.” TIme for the move to tech and trade schools with nary a “quad” in sight. Time for campus-less education and the destruction of academic tenure, which has permitted the invasion of Marxism to persist and flourish. America can only be destroyed from within. The fact that so many people actually vote for their own destruction is the only “tipping point” I recognize as a threat to civilization. Unfortunately, it has gone beyond proper open debate of ideas in the Marketplace. 2020 will be a unique indicator of “The shape of things to come.”

  9. For someone who couldn’t find a job in her field after she graduated from college, she sure learned a lot as a bartender. But what she learned is best described as BS!

  10. I do not believe a person can be worse than someone who takes a real problem and uses it for personal gain, harming the real cause, undermining its legitimacy and that of the problem with lies and exaggeration. AOC has made a mockery out of the issues she has presented. They’re green now, but for only being radioactive in intellectual discussion.

  11. No, because the whole thing makes no sense in reality. It is a joke that cannot be taken seriously. The only people that take it seriously are those with her elementary school level understanding of the issue. Even (un-indoctrinated) highschoolers are capable of pointing out its obvious flaws.

  12. Has anyone every asked her if it would be possible to accomplish to do all the things that she is advocating for in less than 12 years? If so, how? I don’t think anyone has challenged her in that.

  13. Veritas Danubius

    crazy are getting crazier !? – LOL !  

    and Nancy and Chuck must be so “PROUD” that they produce thus nutty child = AOC …. you cannot make this up ! LOL !

  14. I’m a scientist with over four decades experience in hard science and I say she and the “Leading” climate change scientist are wrong and plenty of different levels and a number of different ways. This child-like presentation doesn’t change anything. Now, because I’m a scientist, shouldn’t she believe me, as well? I’m a mathematical physicist who has studied this question, and at a much higher level than the typical climate scientist. All in all, AOC is acting in a naive way commensurate with her almost total lack of experience and background in science.

  15. Noticed she imagines the world, her world, as being run by women. Most of her drawings depict females that outnumbered males. Bats— crazy is putting it mildly!! This AOC is a danger to America and the future of our country.
    BTW, over 90 years ago they predicted BS like she paints and so far it has never happened. Besides we need carbon dioxide to live and breathe!
    Boston University did your school really put up with nutcases like AOC and let them graduate??

  16. These ignorant God haters , bad weather strange things that is happening in the world , it’s a warning from GOD , Jesus is coming soon . REPENT . Watch who you vote for Daniel 11:37.

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