America Is Changing – Find Out How According to Bill O’Reilly


During his Talking Points Memo last night, Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly had a very sobering message to his viewers.

America is “Changing for the worse.”

O’Reilly added that the upcoming elections may be the most important of our lifetime, though some would argue that the 2012 presidential election was the most important opportunity to oust a man who vowed to fundamentally transform America.

Citing recent polls which suggest America is shifting toward agreeing with policies that would allow illegal immigrants to remain in the country, along with another study that suggests Christianity is on the decline in America, O’Reilly explained that things are changing – and not for the better.

Via Fox News Insider:

O’Reilly asserted that the main reason Christianity is on the decline in America is because of poor leadership and corruption within the Catholic Church.

“The priest scandal devastated the Catholic landscape in America,” he said. “Although the founding fathers wanted freedom of religion, they did not want a secular nation.”

He added that the chaos is overwhelming on the immigration front.

“Americans remain essentially a fair people. They know the system is broken, and they know our leaders are playing politics with people’s lives,” he said. “There is a fair way to deal with illegal immigration, and Americans want that put into place.”

O’Reilly said that the country is “changing for the worse” and that the “upcoming election is perhaps the most important one in our lifetime.”

Watch the thought-provoking segment below …

O’Reilly even cited the rap and entertainment industries as marginalizing Christians and conservatives, causing a decline in morals and values.

“The rap industry glorifies depraved behavior,” he claims. While “movies and TV shows promote non-traditional values.”

The question is: Where do we point the finger? How about at the top?

If Americans are being swayed on illegal immigration and the war on religion is becoming successful in our culture, isn’t there one man who can be given credit for that sitting in the White House? Isn’t President Obama guilty of ‘glorifying depraved behavior’ when he justifies riots in Baltimore or Ferguson? Doesn’t he ‘promote non-traditional values?’

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Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox... More about Rusty Weiss

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