Those amusingly sneaky devils at Project Veritas are at it again. This time, they expose a reporter and an entire network. James O’Keefe and his fellow conservative media commandos are justly famous for their scoops. But this one is an especially interesting one.
ABC reporter David Wright, who was suspended by the network prior to the release of the undercover video Wednesday morning, had this to say about his employer.
On ABC’s purchase by Disney:
“It became a profit center, a promotion center. Like now you can’t watch ‘Good Morning America’ without seeing a Disney princess or a Marvel Avenger appearing. It’s all self-promotional,”
On political coverage:
ABC fails to “give Trump credit for what things he does do,” and that his network superiors “don’t see an upside in doing the job we’re supposed to do…We’re in this awkward moment…we have this f***ing president, and we can’t figure out how to challenge him.”
On his personal politics:
To the question, “Would you consider yourself a democratic socialist?” He answers, “More than that, I would consider myself a socialist. I think there should be national health insurance. I’m totally fine with reigning in corporations, I think there are too many billionaires, and I think there’s a wealth gap. That’s a problem.”
The big media is a small world and ABC honchos no doubt knew about Wright’s views. They likely shared them. But they assigned him to cover national political campaigns without ever informing viewers as to his underlying philosophy. ABC not only let the fox in the henhouse, they built him a condo there and told him to make himself comfortable.
It is no surprise that the major media is biased against the president. To have a self-described socialist admit it is startling in the sense that even from his far left perspective he is embarrassed by the network’s bias and unprofessionalism.
Further of little surprise is that his corporate lords have totally abrogated any journalistic responsibility to the public and are really in the business of selling movie tickets and action figures.
Wright was suspended not because he was inaccurate. He was called on the carpet because told the truth.
Can’t have that at ABC.
This piece originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.
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