Planned Parenthood Receives Heavy Criticism over Twitter Ploy

Planned Parenthood has been trying to do some outreach to bring in new supporters, and that includes strange attempts at being hip and connecting with young people.

If that’s not disgusting enough – seriously, an abortion provider trying to be “cool” – the baby-killing organization’s social media team apparently doesn’t know how to use the internet. In fact, they don’t seem to have any sense of self-awareness whatsoever when they tweeted out the following last night:

PP was quickly overwhelmed with responses to their question – and nearly all came from detractors.

And finally…

Seriously – how did they not see this coming?

At least it provided a learning opportunity. I hope the Planned Parenthood social media intern learned a lot about the evils their organization promotes.

Share this story if you think Planned Parenthood is a terrible organization.

By Matt

Matt is the co-founder of Unbiased America and a freelance writer specializing in economics and politics. He’s been published... More about Matt

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