87 Year-Old Retired Teacher Fights Off Home Intruder – Feeds Him ‘Peanuts And Crackers’ In Her Kitchen

Teacher Home Intruder
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An 87 year-old retired teacher from Maine showed a home intruder that he picked the wrong home to break into when she managed to fight him off before killing him with kindness by feeding him snacks in her kitchen.

Elderly Woman Fights Off Intruder

The New York Post reported that Marjorie Perkins was sleeping in bed in her home in Brunswick when she was awakened at 2 a.m. to the terrifying sight of a strange man standing over her.

“I woke up to see a male standing over me by my bed, telling me he was going to cut me,” recalled Perkins, who lives alone and is a former elementary school teacher and line dancing instructor.

Thinking fast, Perkins leapt out of bed and put on her shoes so that she could fight back.

“I thought to myself, ‘If he’s going to cut, I’m going to kick.’ So I jumped into my shoes,” she explained.

The teenage home intruder pushed Perkins against a wall and started to hit her, but she shocked him by fighting back. Grabbing a chair to use as a shield, Perkins hit her attacker while she also screamed for help.

“He kept punching me and pushing me,” Perkins continued, adding that she was left with a bruise on her forehead from the assault.

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Attacker Gets Hungry

The attack eventually stopped when the intruder got hungry and headed to the kitchen.

“He said he was awfully hungry and hadn’t had anything to eat for quite a while,” she remembered. “And I said, ‘Well, here’s a box of peanut butter and honey crackers. You can have that whole box.’ I gave him two containers of Ensure and I gave him two tangerines.”

As the invader ate, Perkins grabbed her rotary phone and called the police “as fast as [she] could.”

Though the intruder fled before police arrived, a police dog was quickly able to track him down, and he was immediately arrested. The teenager, whose name and age has not been revealed to the public, has since been charged with burglary, criminal threatening, assault, and consuming liquor as a minor. This last charge came after Perkins told police that he’d brought a water bottle filled with alcohol with him to her home.

The teenager is reportedly now being held at the Long Creek Youth Development Center in South Portland.

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‘Don’t Sit And Cry About It’

Perkins said afterwards that she recognized the attacker as a local boy who had mowed her lawn years ago.

“He did a darn good job,” she said. “I hope he gets help.”

Though this ordeal was terrifying, Perkins is proud of herself for having the courage to fight back, and she has some advice for anyone else who may find themselves in this situation.

“Don’t sit and cry about it,” she advised. “Be ready to kick and pick up a chair and hit somebody with it.”

Watch Perkins tell her full story in the video below.

It’s safe to say that this teenager learned the hard way that he picked the wrong senior citizen to mess with! God bless Perkins for showing the world that age really is just a number, and that you’re never too old to fight back when attacked.

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