White House Narrows Down Anonymous Op-Ed Author to 12 Possibilities

What’s the use of heading the most powerful and wide-reaching government in the world if you can’t stop a simple thing like an anonymous op-ed that undermines the authority of the President from leaking out?

That’s the question on everyone’s mind as the Trump Administration continues to grapple with the biggest whodunit mystery since “The Mousetrap.”

Who in their right mind had the audacity to work for a president, only to turn around and write an anonymous op-ed copping to essentially thwarting the duly-elected leader’s agenda? (RELATED: Here’s Who Everyone Thinks Is Behind The NYT Op-Ed Now.)

A madman, apparently, as the Administration is burning the midnight oil, trying to find out who penned the slanderous op-ed. So far, we know that several key officials, including Vice President Pence and Secretary of State Pompeo, have denied writing the piece. (RELATED: Breaking: Pence Denies Writing NYT ‘Resistance’ Op-Ed.)

Now, it looks like the Administration is closing in on the target. According to one AP report, the list of potential senior officials who could have penned the op-ed is near 700. But, according to Paul Light of New York University, the universe of possibility is probably around 50 or so names.

Well, like Thanos snapping his fingers with the infinity gauntlet, it looks like the White House narrowed that universe down significantly. There now exists a list of 12 – a dirty dozen, if you will – of possibilities.

From The Week: “President Trump and White House aides have come up with a list of roughly 12 people suspected of being behind the anonymous op-ed published Wednesday by The New York Timesan outside adviser told the Times on Thursday.”

With only 12 suspects left to investigate, let’s hope they find the culprit. It’s beggars belief that we’ve gone this long without finding out who the real author is.

Guessing the author is the biggest game in town right now. Washington is buzzing with speculation. And yet, the author remains a mystery.

At the rate the White House is going, however, it may not be for long.

Jim E. is a true political insider, with experience working both in Washington and outside in real America. Jim ... More about Jim E
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