NBC’s Andrea Mitchell Gets the Boot From State Department For Constantly Asking Questions

Despite being informed that no questions would be fielded by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson during a recent photo-op, NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell fired away regardless – and got booted from the seventh floor of the State Department for her efforts.

The meeting involved Tillerson and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin.

Mitchell spat out question after question – on national security matters, on Russian activity in the Ukraine, on whether Klimkin could trust Trump to be tough on Putin – but it was to no avail, as she was rushed out of the room.

Via Real Clear Politics:

She asked Tillerson about threats from China and Russia’s relationship with Ukraine and was met with silence.

To Klimkin she asked: “Are you sure that the Trump administration will be strong against Vladimir Putin? Can you assure us that Russia will not be able to move forward in Ukraine?”

If nothing else, you have to admire her tenacity. Then again, no you don’t. But it is fun to watch …


Mitchell played a clip of the exchange on her show Tuesday afternoon and said: “That was only moments ago on the seventh floor of the State Department.”

“Still no answers from Secretary of State Rex Tillerson,” she added.

‘Still’ you might ask? And you’d be correct, as it was just a few days earlier that Mitchell tried the same shenanigans, walking into a photo-op with Tillerson and International Atomic Energy Agency Director Yukiya Amano and shouting questions.

The results were remarkably similar:

“Out, please, out.”

That should be the Secretary of State’s policy on all liberal journalists who try to ambush a photo-op!

Comment: What do you think of Andrea Mitchell getting the boot? Share your thoughts below.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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