Kellyanne Conway: ‘If I Were Shot and Killed Tomorrow Half Of Twitter Would Explode In Applause’

Nick Givas on June 16, 2017

Kellyanne Conway appeared on “Fox and Friends” to discuss the tragic Friday shooting involving Rep. Steve Scalise and said that, “If I were shot and killed tomorrow, half of Twitter would explode In Applause.”

“I think the unity lasted a hot minute for some leaders,” said Coway. “I really would ask people to think about the hateful rhetoric. This man, the shooter the other day, didn’t hate baseball. He hated Republicans.”

Conway brought President Donald Trump into the discussion saying that the media is obsessive over his social media and Twitter postings, when they should be looking inward at their own divisive language.

Conway said that the no one else was responsible for the shooting except the shooter, but added that fierce rhetoric can have unintended effects of escalation.

“You can oppose policy but it’s done with such hateful charged rhetoric, that active resistance becomes armed resistance, in the case of this lone gunman,” she said.

Conway believes people can disagree on policy but that personal attacks and vitriol will only lead to violence and disaster.

“This is the world we live in now and it’s terrible because it’s one thing to say I disagree with you on healthcare repeal or on taxes or on you plans for national security but you can’t attack people personally in a way and think that tragedies like this won’t happen.”

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11 thoughts on “Kellyanne Conway: ‘If I Were Shot and Killed Tomorrow Half Of Twitter Would Explode In Applause’”

  1. I would love to see Tump file civil suit against DNC for HARASSMENT !! He needs to get them off of his back so he can perform his duties. Dems are good at smoke screens and making loud noises to detract from their own filth. I cannot wait till this all comes out and the “landslide” starts to empty the swamp.

  2. Here’s the problem. The Left won’t listen to her, but the Right may. H8 is the former’s default position, politesse is the Right’s. But I, for one, refuse to unilaterally disarm in the face of the Leftist onslaught. And I refuse to be lectured by my “social betters” about how to say things. I can say ’em nice, and I can say ’em brutal. I say choose whatever idiom is most effective at the moment. When a person is a bad person, you can describe how they are a bad person.

  3. How do terrorists become terrorists or people who can’t think for themselves? And why people can’t even give any evidence in their debates of what they believe? They are constantly being drilled with a violent narrative which is a brainwashing tactic. Isn’t that what the MSM, academia, and the entertainment industry has been doing for years? I would say it is. That is why so many of the liberals are acting erratically. They have been repeatedly bombarded with a brainwashing tactic of baseless rhetoric that the liberals have been putting out for years.

  4. “Why do we have a Second Amendment? It’s not to shoot deer. It’s to shoot at the government when it becomes tyrannical!”
    Rand Paul
    23 Jun 16

    Someone took him seriously, and you blame liberals?

    1. That is the kind of mind-numbed-drivel that is motivating the deranged Left.

      Pure, unadulterated hatred for anything that doesn’t comport with their twisted view of the USA, no doubt fashioned by our corrupted education system and a thoroughly discredited fake news media (“the usual suspects”).

      This is what happens when we try to shelter children from the realities of a harsh world. Things don’t always go your way and nobody is “entitled” to the fruits of anyone else’s labors.

      “Safe spaces” and “participation trophies” are the drivel that arrests the maturity of our young people and gives them a sense of entitlement where none exists.

      The Left is outraged that it was within one election of bringing down the USA as a constitutional republic (and HRC would have continued the politicization of government agencies), and it lost to the candidate the Left was most hopeful to run against!

      They miscalculated badly and continue to do so. Democrat politicians, the news media (Democrat ministry of propaganda) and the corrupt education system are doing what they can to seditiously obstruct the new administration. They will fail. The silent majority stirs again.

  5. The trouble with Trump Administration is that they are scared to face DNC brutality. Just send Bernie Sanders, Maxine Water etc. and send them to jail for aiding and abetting mayhem in the country.

  6. Kelly Anne Keep the Donald Tweeting,that’s the only way the truth will come out.Cut the lying media out of all the press briefings,

    DO EXACTLY WHAT FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT DID TO news reporters.IF THEY USE ANONYMOUS SOURCES DO NOT EVEN ENTERTAIN QUESTIONS.MY SAUCES ARE STILL COOKING ON THE STOVE????news media make up new sources daily.The American people don’t believe the press anymore.They have cried wolf one too many times.That’s why they are all failing>>>

  7. From where I come from we see that attitude for so long in the USA. It took a long time for the People to be awakened. Now you have a president who does not conform with the Liberal view of Corruption and lying; The USA has been seen to be corrupt for so long. No one believed any of your presidents after Reagan.

    Now the Liberal voters and politicians and businesses supporting them are being faced with a serious loss of control and don’t like it.
    The good people in the USA see the problem and voted for TRUMP. They had a right to do so, They also have a right for the country to be run by president. Backstabbing and creating false stories, innuendo and politicians saying the opposite to protect themselves (Hillary), becoming wealthy by treason (Hillary) taking a massive bribe to allow the Russians to own a major share of the Uranium mine, all go under the table and are not negatively reported. Why focus on Trump and not Hillary corruption. Where is the reporting on this and other?

    Trump is the president elected by the majority. Therefore he is the leader.
    Idealism is the single most dangerous attitude on the earth. It is what people believe that separates them and causes conflict. When this is driven by false information and a media that is biased and unnaturally aggressive one way the people act and can lead to extreme violence:

    MEDIA has a lot to take responsibility for: The Media is the prime cause of this problem and cannot justify it. There is no sound business model for this relentless attack on the President. Where were they when George Bush was making lies and creating war? nowhere to be seen.

    Manipulation of the people is the medias agenda and they are doing a great job of it.

  8. Unfortunately, Kellyanne Conway is correct. One thing most of us have noticed is that the vast majority of those on the left lack any sense of empathy, compassion or even decorum. I personally believe that they even lack a soul. Like all ‘cold-blooded’ creatures, they act on instinct alone, which is to attack and destroy, and they do not care who their intended victims are, man, woman or child, young or old.

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