Legendary boxing champion George Foreman is a long-time friend of President Donald Trump. He was grilled (get it!) recently on his support of President Trump.
Foreman is a two-time heavyweight champion of the world, an Olympic gold medalist, and let’s not forget those amazing grills! As the hosts on Fox and Friends say, “He has lived the American dream.”
Foreman’s relationship with Trump goes back decades and he credited Trump with helping him resurrect his career with a big fight at Trump Plaza in Atlantic City against Evander Holyfield in the early 90s. Like another athlete friend of Trump, he confirmed Trump will “always return your call.”
He compared Trump fighting and blocking out critics to his own focus in the ring:
When you’re into something like this especially, you just got to fight, you can’t even worry about the audience. When I’m in those boxing matches I hear ‘BOO BOO’ after the fight, when I listen to them on the tapes. But in the ring you don’t listen to anything, you must step forward and fight – FIGHT.
Foreman explained winning and why Trump won, “Sometimes people win just because they’re winners, some people lose just because they never thought they really would win… Winning is an idea.”
The prize fighter expressed his hope that Trump can do something about the slaughter in Chicago – he suggested a “mountain” of social workers and sociologists – and said half the battle is just showing up: “All have you to do is say it and it’s done. Ideas flourish. Concern. That’s what everybody is looking for – concern.”
The interview ended on this inspirational note from Foreman:
America is the home of the first, second, even third chance. Whatever you want to do, all you have got to do is get up in the morning and put your feet on the floor and say, ‘I’m going to do it,’ and don’t let anyone tell you you can’t. Don’t worry about it. This is the greatest thing I have ever imagined, our United States of America. It’s something special.
Wise words from a world champ!
Watch the full interview:
Do you agree with George Foreman that President Trump should ignore the “boos” of the critics and fight? Tell us in the comments below!