Sean Hannity No Longer Receiving William F. Buckley Award for Media Excellence

Sean Hannity is getting attacked from all sides.

Rumors continue to swirl that Hannity’s days at Fox News are numbered. His coverage of the Seth Rich murder is turning off advertisers.

Now, Hannity is being deprived of a prestigious award for his news commentary.

The Fox News host was set to receive the William F. Buckley Award for Media Excellence, but the award has been rescinded.

Chris Buckley, son of prolific conservative writer Bill Buckley, whose name graces the award, voiced his opposition to Hannity.

Via CNN:

A source familiar with the situation tells CNN that Christopher Buckley “expressed great dismay” at the announcement that the award would go to Hannity, who has spent a great deal of time insulting conservative intellectuals on Twitter, particularly since he became a strong supporter of Donald Trump.

Buckley, sources say, called the Media Research Center and expressed his disapproval. Sources tell CNN that the MRC acquiesced and will no longer give the award to him. Hannity has since been removed from the gala website.

This is certainly a peculiar turn of events. Why do you think Hannity is no longer receiving the award? How does it reflect upon conservatives? Will this give more ammo to the left as they try to tear down President Trump?

Let us know your thoughts below, and share this story on Facebook and Twitter!

104 thoughts on “Sean Hannity No Longer Receiving William F. Buckley Award for Media Excellence”

  1. WOW!!! Some RUEpubliCONs actually have some semblance of principle and hasn’t gone all RUSSIAN on America.Whatever happened to the Russian hating RUEpubliCON party. I guess racism is more important to them than the threat of fascism or communism! Jesus Christ!

  2. If I were Sean Hannity I would tell these a-holes where they stuff it. He has a large following on X-M radio and he can continue to grow . True honest Journalism died when the liberals bought them off.

  3. Award? Pffft. Whatever. No death certificate, no autopsy, no body cams, no proof of death of Seth Rich. What are they really hiding? Croudsource the Truth .org

  4. Just proves we must push to get the truth about the DNC murder of Seth Rich.And not stop investigating the whole corrupt organization. Arrest and prosecute,them for ALL CRIMES that surface during the investigations.

  5. I support Hannity and if Fox does anything to him, for any reason and let’s him go, they will lose me as a viewer. And I dare say they will lose 1/2 their viewers as well.

  6. Pointing out the grounds for suspicion about the Seth Rich murder case is honest journalism. Spinning a conversation with a Russian ambassador into grounds for impeachment is advocacy for the dark state and it gives more justification for suspicion about the murder of Seth Rich. Trump is wrong; it isn’t fake news it’s dishonest and propaganda that’s coming from the main stream media.
    Stand near Hannity that place will still be standing when all the dust settles.

  7. I Like Hannity, Hannity goes Fox news will be as done as CNN and rest, so far Fox was about the only news with Hannity that I would even listen to. If Hannity was smart he’d leave FOX before they try to fire him. They have lost so many ratings lately I’m sure Hannity would do better on his own
    & Rupert Murdoch is a moron anyway!

  8. REALLY simple… the award is meant for EXCELLENCE in journalism and lying about a story ESPECIALLY after you know its all a lie, proves that Hannity is far from “excellence in journalism” and is no better than the worst tabloid journalist telling lies about the most recent bigfoot discovery. OKAY so Hannity got taken in by a story that turned out to be false. Rather than hanging onto a LIE, Hannity should have practiced some of that “excellence in journalism” and been at the front of EXPOSING the fraud. Hannity doesn’t DSESERVE an award for telling lies, he deserves to be ridiculed and scorned by any REAL journalist of integrity. When he starts acting like a journalist of integrity then I will support him, otherwise he is worthless and a waste of time and oxygen.

  9. He should not get any award for not reporting news but instead for being an apologist for Donald Trump. He quit being a newsman when he capitulated to the ideological left in his support of the far left lifetime liberal ideologue Trump. Truth be known he was paid off to support Trump. I remember the day that he went from a Trump critic to his fondest supporter. In a 24 hour period he, Rush Limbaugh and the NRA suddenly went from Trump critics to supporters. I have never seen such a sudden capitulation to the left before. I hope they all got paid well for helping this leftist Trump get elected as a Republican when he is by far the most far left liberal to ever be POTUS. God help America.

  10. This is a fight between globalists and patriots. Trump is a patriot and Hannity supports him. Many Republicans, disguised as conservatives, are really globalists, i.e. One World Government.

  11. Why should Sean not cover the Seth Rich murder? If its truth? It only goes to show how controlling and corrupt the large news machine really is, and that it will allow certain reporters like Sean to work relatively unhindered to make it look like its not all one big machine actually controlling as much as it can…


    Just how many more good people have to DIE in VAIN before CRIMINAL KILLARY is put behind bars!!!!!!
    For over a decade we have watched Lynch,Rice, Comey,Obama,the Clintons,,Podesta,Lerner,Holder, Waters,McCain skate for their crimes. Their criminal activities are laid out factually in black & white, Yet, STILL no one has been held accountable. They are walkin FREE on our tax dollars. I’m beginning to think that perhaps Gowdy is just another Ryan. Ten years is waaay too long for them to skate. In the Clintons case their criminal behavior has been going on for decades. They are laughing in our faces! They all know that they are held to a different standard. Shameful.

  13. Just go’s to show trying to get to the truth (Seth murder)even fox is controlled by the deep state, Hell imagine if he wanted to look into 911 with an honest view of the facts mmm

  14. Sean is a brilliant, incisive commentator with a stunning ability to focus on what matters and a memory that borders on eidetic – he can rattle off an amazing list of issues and put them in context freeform and off the cuff. He is a national treasure, and for him to be denied his due casts a shadow on the Buckley Award, not on Hannity. Apparently his criticism of the feckless, cowardly, low-energy Republicans is not to be allowed, even when well-deserved. Only criticism of Democrats and Progressives is fair game for the pecksniffian right. Their loss.

  15. Obviously Soros and his money had a big part in this , Sean is a REAL conservative Buckley is just way too stupid to realize it.

    There are tons of fake conservatives and i’m glad Sean calls them out so take the award and shove it as far up your a_ _ as your arm length will allow OK Mr. Buckley .

    1. Nonsense, if Hannity was a true conservative he would not be supporting the most far left liberal lifetime Democrat to ever get elected to office. He was once a conservative but his conservatism had a price that Trump was willing to pay. Hannity and Rush sold their souls to this leftist devil Trump.

        1. You are totally illogical…it is you that supports the far left lifetime liberal ideologue Trump and not I. That makes you the liberal and not I. Be thankful for this reality check for you before you totally go off the deep end to the left. Celebrity envy is not a logical reason to support any candidate much less a liberal one.

  16. There is no more free speech in America unless you are liberal. Sean Hannity deserves any and every award that is given. What is going on with Fox? They must have turned liberal. Goodness knows they don’t want to stand up for what is right. People are caving all over. No one wants to admit to what is right and godly anymore. The ones who do get harassed and threatened. I will stand up. I AM A CHRISTIAN. I WILL NOT BOW DOWN TO A MUSLIM OR ANY OTHER IDOL WORSHIPER. I AM A CONSERVATIVE AND THINK THE DONKEYS ARE NOT DOING THEIR JOBS. I AM A REGISTERED REPUBLICAN BUT THE WAY THEY ARE ACTING I AM ASHAMED OF THEM. I SUPPORT DONALD TRUMP. There I’ve confessed. GOD IS THE ONLY ONE IN CONTROL. Non believers will one day soon bow down before Him.

  17. The progressive/RINO/liberal-Thought-Police are out to get Hannity. The continuing attack on the First Amendment right to free speech for Traditional-America.

    1. Susan, you are absolutely correct. Anyone who bucks the clintion mafia is bound to be done away with. Look at the 90 people who died mysteriously with 81 while slick willie was president. The deep south has struck again. That is really sad. Sean deserved that award.

      1. Yes he does deserve awards but is it this one since they are doing this to please god knows who. Why don’t we get together and give Hannity an award ourselves. Would that not be something they’d hate? However I hardly think that people who think like me would actually support me if I would start a group to give him this award cause people just don’t care that much.

        1. Ursala, I will support you. I agree that Sean’s listeners should stand up and show him we care and stop listening to Fox News. They swing whichever way the wind blows. They used to be credible but not anymore.

  18. Fox Network is hanging by a thread. If they lose Sean they are done! They only have a couple of good news reporters and Sean is leading the pack. The ‘kids’ are ruining a good thing and it is a shame. Sean and Bill (O’Riley) need to get together and start their own network. Then good ole boy Shep Smith can do ALL the reporting for Fox.

        1. If you really believe that then why are you now supporting the very person that got him elected with his money and influence while a Democrat insider and kingmaker? After getting Obama elected Trump went around bragging about his accomplishment and called Obama a ”
          great President” Do you share that same admiration with Trump for Obama?

  19. This may be FAKE news. It’s coming from CNN=FAKE NEWS NETWORK. It BETTER be. Because that will be the END for all our family and friends that watch FOX. We love Judge Jeanine. But if Sean goes; hopefully the Judge and everyone else will leave. The guys running FOX now are total idiots. BOTTOM LINE!!!!

  20. As long as Seth Rich’s laptop cannot be found, his death is valid news. The FBI claims the Washington DC police have it, the Washington police claim the FBI has it. Shame on the rest of the media for being satisfied with a guess that it was a botched robbery, yet his wallet, money, watch and cell phone remained on him, and they have no suspects. Too bad most of the media isn’t as competent as Sean Hannity who can connect dots that something is missing in this narrative.

  21. Bill Buckley would tan his son’s hide giving him a good blistering for doing this. I remember Bill vividly and he would never have allowed this to happen. Shame on Chris (nameless). I won’t even use his father’s last name with his first.

  22. ROTTEN WORLD We get there, when. you can’t tell the truth You have to accept others opinion, godt or bad.The establishement can’t accept, that what is good for them is not mandatory to be good for me. or everybody. In this days, you have to be crook to survive in this hypocrit world. If NOT, they take away everything what you believein.Without believing what is far, honest, you are nothing,JUST A POPPET.Good live to communism! HURRAY!!!!!!! Everybody needs to clap. This will be our NWO.

  23. It should be very plain to everyone that being a Republican does not mean you are a conservative. The Elites of the Republican party and DC cadre do not represent the people, and if they can stop conservatives like Sean rising influence, they will do it. They care not one iota for the people of this country. Their full intention is to protect their DC “club.”

  24. This is terrible, I wait all day waiting for Sean to come on, he’s the only one that has real news and gets to the bottom of it. They are surely screwing Fox News up I don’t watch hardly anything on there anymore, The five are pretty good, I watch them and Outnumbered is OK but it’s gotten to the place some of the people that are guests on some of those shows are really goons. I watch the news alerts but I’m sorry for them to be picking out the liberals to ruin the whole network.

  25. ALERT! Hey Guys & Gals how long do you think these media bloopers will remain on stream if, instead of ignoring them WE ALL CALL OUR CABLE COMPANIES & TELL THEM WE WILL CANCEL OUR CABLE PLAN WITH THEM IF THEY CONTINUE TO WASTE OUR TIME AND HARD EARNED MONEY ON un-informed, paid to play, BIASED fake-news degenerates WHEN WHAT WE REALLY WANT TO SEE IS WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING IN OUR COUNTRY & AROUND THE WORLD? ? ? ? President Trump & His Team are doing their part to RETURN AMERICA back to the People, REBUILD & RESTORE Her to be ALL she is meant to be… LIKEWISE, it’s time to get on board People & DEMAND honest unbiased Reporting OR loose your VIEWERS in favour of Truth & new Media blood via new News Media Start-ups.. What do you say Folks? ?

  26. Interesting…the award is given out, based on who you piss off, not on the subject matter…unless of course…you’re a screaming liberal, politically correct communist who hates Donald Trump…then they give them away like popcorn. Looks like the only thing inherited from the father by this Buckley kid…is the last name.

    Sean could not make the award, sent his apology and did not attend..That’s it, true and simple until some fake source turns it upside down and LIES.
    They keep trying but we keep finding out the truth..
    So who looks bad now??

  28. Hey Fred, oh liberal who attacks Hannity. Sean is highly respected, for years he has been respected. He has a national radio show and a national TV show. He makes lots of money.

    And you, what is your claim to fame? Oh, you have a computer keyboard. Wow.

      1. He is not a loon but simply made a business decision to accept Trump’s financial offer to become an apologist for Trump. He was getting paid by Trump and by Fox news. That is dishonest but has made him a much richer man. Why else would he have capitulated to the left in support of a far left lifetime liberal ideologue like Trump?

    1. Mickey, 45 doesn’t have enough supporters to ‘rule the next election’. Hell, he didn’t have enough to win the last one. He’s only in the WH because of Putin.

      1. You aren’t the brightest crayon in the box, are ya? And even IF Putin interfered, Trump won DESPITE that interference, as Putin did NOT want Trump to win… oh, how convenient to forget THAT part! What part of, there is NOTHING to the Fake Russia propaganda put forth to tarnish Trump and cover clinton’s crimes??? did you miss? Are you simply fundamentally retarded? Hard of hearing? Unable to read and comprehend? What?

  29. This incident shows us the deep divide in the nation as the Eastern Elite who have been running America into the ground since Woodrow Wilson are seeing their power slip away as a man who had the tradesmen who worked for his father as boyhood heroes because they made things, they did jobs, the could do more than talk. He learned all about their trades and with access to capital he became a billionaire. There is a profound lesson in Donald J. Trump and Sean Hannity: Both are blue collar Americans with a sincere love of country and dislike for corruption of the kind that has been running America in the ground. I have know Sean Hannity since 1985 in Santa Barbara, CA when we both started in broadcasting. He is a straight up, sincere, devout Catholic, great American.

    Google “Two Minute Conservative” for more.

  30. i keep saying president trump and jeff sessions failure to indict gay muslim obama and pedophile corrupt hillary will cause the end of our government and destroy america to be taken over by obama and the muslims, as long as obama is free to obstruct he will do it he is evil the son of satan the anti-christ with a proven goal to destroy america turn it into a muslim nation for him to be king and rule over

  31. We have blizzard like conditions. Snowflakes are everywhere. It’s amazing how the left has destroyed this country since the sexual revolution. When sex becomes the dominant expression of the culture, the culture dies. From killing babies in the womb to airing explicit sexual content during prime time, the signs are everywhere. This Mark Rich murder is very troubling, along with all the other deaths associated w/ SHillary and the DNC, as of late. There is something definitely fishy about this story. The left controls everything, especially in Washington.

  32. Kick a$$ and take names, Sean !
    Our family will follow you !
    Buckley is beholdin’ to the swamp slime, STILL in residence in Washington.
    College edumication sure seems to make some folks stupider and stupider.
    I’m wearin’ my “Re-elect TRUMP 2020 button” as I type. Snowflake libtard “progressives ( NOT !),
    fearing for the need to get-a-real-job, are hyperventilating in fear.
    20/20 vision is pretty good. 2020 will be a GREAT year to see more of the leeches be
    removed from the government teat.
    Do you think ABC, NBS, CBS, CNBC,…ad nauseum, will actually begin to report the
    real news, instead of minutia / and liberal eructations as they do now ?

  33. Too bad the powers to be are more interested in pleasing their advertisers than serving the public. I remember when I turned to Fox for news that was balanced and HONEST. GOODBYE FOX you are no better than and have sunk to the realm of main stream media. I will get my news from EWTN—at least I can trust their perspective on what is happening in the world.

  34. Sean Hannity doesn’t need your Stinkin WFB award!! He’s the best at what he does, he knows it and true republicans and conservatives know it and that’s all that matters! So Screw you Chris Buckley and all your left wing hacks. And if Fox lets Hannity go then I’m done with Fox. Since they fired O’reilly I lost respect for them and already watch them less.

    1. Yes he does deserve awards but is it this one since they are doing this to please god knows who. Why don’t we get together and give Hannity an award ourselves. Would that not be something they’d hate? However I hardly think that people who think like me would actually support me if I would start a group to give him this award cause people just don’t care that much.

  35. If the award is so fragile so as to be as the discretion of one person and is that easily manipulated then it is not worth having. Sean should not feel cheated or dishearten by it. He should stick to his values

  36. “Conservative intellectuals ” are part of the problem. W.F. Buckley was the consummate conservative intellectual, but the time has come for conservative LEADERSHIP. Hannity doesn’t need the award, or the praise of the conservative Old Guard. He has the same thing that Trump has – fiercely loyal public support.

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